首页 > 解决方案 > 如何对角重复 HTML Canvas 模式


我创建了一个画布图案,并希望在整个网页中对角重复该图案。由于repeat 属性仅支持repeat-x、repeat-y 或repeat 两个方向,我现在将其设置为“no-repeat”并尝试使用偏移或平移来对角移动我的图案,但没有成功.



这是我想要完成的: 在此处输入图像描述




      var patternCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
			var patternContext = patternCanvas.getContext('2d');
			patternCanvas.width = 350;
			patternCanvas.height = 350;

			patternContext.fillStyle = "orange";
			patternContext.fillRect(0, 50, 150, 50);
			patternContext.fillRect(50, 0, 50, 150);

			patternContext.fillStyle = "black";
			patternContext.fillRect(100, 100, 150, 50);
			patternContext.fillRect(150, 50, 50, 150);

			patternContext.fillStyle = "green";
			patternContext.fillRect(200, 150, 150, 50);
			patternContext.fillRect(250, 100, 50, 150);

			patternContext.fillStyle = "darkred";
			patternContext.fillRect(0, 100, 50, 150);
			patternContext.fillRect(0, 150, 150, 50);

			patternContext.fillStyle = "blue";
			patternContext.fillRect(100, 150, 50, 150);
			patternContext.fillRect(50, 200, 150, 50);

			patternContext.fillStyle = "yellow";
			patternContext.fillRect(200, 200, 50, 150);
			patternContext.fillRect(150, 250, 150, 50);
			var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
			canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
			canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
			var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

			var pattern = context.createPattern(patternCanvas, 'no-repeat');
			context.fillStyle = pattern;
			context.fillRect(0, 0, 350, 350);
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>

标签: javascripthtmlcanvas





  // Creates a canvas, and a context
  canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"),
  context = canvas.getContext('2d'),

  // Configures colors, unit-square size, and the number of unit squares to draw
  colors = "blue,yellow,darkred,green,orange,black".split(","),
  unit = 50,
  gridDimensionX = 10,
  gridDimensionY = 10;

// Makes the canvas wide enough for its content
canvas.width = unit * gridDimensionX;
canvas.height = unit * gridDimensionY;

// Builds a grid of squares, each of which is assigned a color
const grid = makeGrid(gridDimensionX, gridDimensionY, colors);

// Loops through the grid and draws each square
drawGrid(grid, context, unit);

// Defines the `makeGrid` function
function makeGrid(gridDimensionX, gridDimensionY, colors){
  const grid = [];
  for(let y = 0; y < gridDimensionY; y++){
    const row = [];
    for(let x = 0; x < gridDimensionX; x++){
      // Assigns coordinates to each not-yet-drawn square, along two axes 
      //   (rotated 60 degrees from the vertical and horizontal axes)
      //   and groups squares according to these coordinates
      cell = {
        slantyRowGrp: Math.round((2 * y - x) / 5, 0),
        slantyColGrp: Math.round((y + 2 * x) / 5, 0)
      // Assigns a color to each square based on its 'slanty' grouping
      cell.colorIndex = (cell.slantyRowGrp + 2 * cell.slantyColGrp) % colors.length;
      cell.color = colors[cell.colorIndex];

      // Adds the cell to the row

    // Adds the completed row to the grid
  // Returns the completed grid
  return grid;

// Defines the `drawGrid` function
function drawGrid(grid, context, unit){
  grid.forEach( (row, y) => {
    row.forEach( (cell, x) => {

      // Fills each square with its assigned color
      context.fillStyle = cell.color;
      context.fillRect(unit * x, unit * y, unit, unit);
      // Displays the 'slanty' row and column group numbers
      context.fillStyle = "lightgrey";
        `${cell.slantyRowGrp}; ${cell.slantyColGrp}`,
        unit * x + unit/2.5,
        unit * y + unit/2
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
