首页 > 解决方案 > 如何跨函数视图和 CBV 传递 ID?- 姜戈


对于这样一个菜鸟问题,我很抱歉,但我被困住了,我正在伸出援手。我使用 FormWizard 从用户那里获取订阅数据。效果很好。现在我希望他们能够使用相同的 FormWizard 更新他们的订阅。

我可以展示他们以前的输入,但是,当涉及到实际知道要更新哪条记录时,这就是我遇到麻烦的地方。我能够从该路径的视图函数中的 URL 获取,但在获取其他视图id时遇到了麻烦。id

我的代码如下。我被困在第 9.3 节。我不确定如何获取记录id,以便它可以更新正确的记录。如果有更好的方法,请随时提出建议并提前致谢。


path('subscription/update/<int:id>/', service_views.wizard_edit, name='wizard-edit'),


## 9.1 Displaying the data in the form
def wizard_edit(request, id):

    ##  Collecting the data
    sub = Subscribers.objects.get(id=id)

    ## Displaying the data in the appropriate forms
    initial = {
       '0': {'industry_search':sub.industry},
       '1': {'city':sub.city, 'kilometers':sub.kilometers, 'street_1':sub.street_1, 'street_2':sub.street_2},
       '2': {'email':sub.email}

    wiz = ContactWizardUpdate.as_view([ContactForm1, ContactForm2, ContactForm3], initial_dict=initial)
    return wiz(request)

## 9.2 FormWizard
class ContactWizardUpdate(SessionWizardView):
    template_name = 'service/subscribe.html'
    form_list = [ContactForm1, ContactForm2, ContactForm3]

    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):

        ## Function to update the DB and save data
        update_the_form_data(self, form_list)

        return render(self.request, 'service/done.html')

## 9.3 Updating the database with the changes
def update_the_form_data(self, form_list):
    form_data = [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list]

    ## Get the correct record for the update
    foo = get_object_or_404(Subscribers, id=[THE ID FOR THE RECORD])

    ## Additional code


标签: pythondjangodjango-viewsdjango-formwizard



而不是 urls.py 文件中的路径: path('subscription/update/<int:id>/', service_views.wizard_edit, name='wizard-edit'),

我将其更改为,path('subscription/update/', service_views.wizard_edit, name='wizard-edit'),并在用户的订阅摘要页面上添加了一个编辑按钮,路径如下,<a href="DOMAIN.COM/subscription/update/?id={{ detail.id }}">Edit Subscription</a>

以下是对 views.py 文件的编辑:

## 9.1 Displaying the data in the form
def wizard_edit(request):  ## NEW
    id_ = request.GET.get('id')  ## NEW

    ##  Collecting the data
    sub = Subscribers.objects.get(id=id_)  ## NEW

    ## Displaying the data in the appropriate forms
    initial = {
       '0': {'industry_search':sub.industry},
       '1': {'city':sub.city, 'kilometers':sub.kilometers, 'street_1':sub.street_1, 'street_2':sub.street_2},
       '2': {'email':sub.email}

    wiz = ContactWizardUpdate.as_view([ContactForm1, ContactForm2, ContactForm3], initial_dict=initial)
    return wiz(request)

## 9.2 FormWizard
class ContactWizardUpdate(SessionWizardView):
    template_name = 'service/subscribe.html'
    form_list = [ContactForm1, ContactForm2, ContactForm3]

    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):

        ## Function to update the DB and save data
        update_the_form_data(self, form_list)

        return render(self.request, 'service/done.html')

## 9.3 Updating the database with the changes
def update_the_form_data(self, form_list):
    form_data = [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list]

    id_ = self.request.GET.get('id') ## NEW
    ## Get the correct record for the update
    foo = get_object_or_404(Subscribers, id=id_)  ## NEW

    ## Additional code

