首页 > 解决方案 > What exactly is regarded as 'document read' in Cloud Firestore?


I did find some posts about how pricing is decided, but I want to make it as clear as possible.

Here's my document structure,

 firstOption: "A",
 secondOption: "B",
 customerID: "1234",

I need to check if any of three conditions is met.

For example, if firstOption is "A", secondOption is "B", or customerID is "1234".

Since Firestore doesn't support OR in where cluase, my current plan is,

db.collection('').get().then(snapshot => snapshot.filter(doc => { 
 const {firstOption, secondOption, customerID} = doc.data();

 if(firstOption === 'A' || secondOption === 'B' || customerID === '1234') 
  return true;
  return false;    

If three documents are returned, is it regarded as reading three documents or, since no where clause is used to filter, reading the entire documents in the collection?

标签: javascriptgoogle-cloud-firestore


