首页 > 解决方案 > 根据 Angular/Ionic 中的 Id 增加和减少项目数量



<ion-content class="bg-color">
  <ion-list no-lines>
    <ion-item *ngFor="let lstproduct of lstproductdetail">
      <ion-avatar item-start>
        <img src="{{ lstproduct.image_url }}" />
      <h3>{{ lstproduct.name }}</h3>
      <p class="d-flex">
        Exp. Delivery by Sun, June 11
        <span class="end">{{ lstproduct.price }}</span>
          <div class="quantity control-group123">
              <label class="required">Quantity</label>
            <input value="-"  (click)="decrementItem(Itemquantity)" 
         readonly="readonly" class="uk-input tm-quantity-input quantity-change"
          style="width: 35px; border-radius: 3px 0px 0px 3px;">
         <input  value="{{Itemquantity}}"  readonly="readonly" 
         class="uk-input tm-quantity-input quantity-change"
         style="width: 60px; position: relative; margin-left: -4px; margin-right: -4px; border-right: none; 
         border-left: none; border-radius: 0px;">
        <input value="+" (click)="addItem(Itemquantity)" 
         readonly="readonly" class="uk-input tm-quantity-input quantity-change" 
         style="width: 35px; padding: 0px 12px; 
         border-radius: 0px 3px 3px 0px;">
          <div style="margin-left: 75px">
              <button ion-button  class="btn shadow" (click)="removeitem(lstproduct.id)">
                  Remove Item <ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>

.ts 文件代码:

addItem(value: any) {
    const initialvalue = 0;
    if (value != null) {
        const afterclick = value + 1;
        return (this.Itemquantity = afterclick);
    else {
        return (this.Itemquantity = initialvalue + 1);

decrementItem(value: any) { 
    const initialvalue = 1;
    if (value > 0) {
        const afterclick = value - 1;
        return (this.Itemquantity = afterclick);
    else {
        return (this.Itemquantity = initialvalue - 1);

标签: angularionic3




同样,当您增加数量时,您可以在函数中传递对象 lstproduct 的唯一 id,并可以增加该特定对象的数量。我将向您展示如何使用 index.js 来做到这一点。


在 HTML 中:

改变 -<ion-item *ngFor="let lstproduct of lstproductdetail; let i=index">

在 TS 中:

eaddItem(value: any, i) { 
     const initialvalue = 0; 
     if (value != null) { 
         const afterclick = value + 1; 
         return (this.lstproductdetail[i].Itemquantity = afterclick); 
     else { 
         return (this.lstproductdetail[i].Itemquantity = initialvalue + 1); 

decrementItem(value: any, i) { 
    const initialvalue = 1; 
    if (value > 0) { 
        const afterclick = value - 1; 
        return (this.lstproductdetail[i].Itemquantity = afterclick); 
    else { 
        return (this.lstproductdetail[i].Itemquantity = initialvalue - 1); 

