首页 > 解决方案 > Get an element from IQueryable list by index


I have this expression:

var query = from inventar in _context.Inventar
                        join inventarsoba in _context.InventarSoba.Where(x => x.SobaId == request.SobaId)
                        on inventar.InventarId equals inventarsoba.InventarId
                        select new { inventar, inventarsoba.InventarSobaId };

Which basically gets me a list of all "Inventar" records whose ids are also located in "InventarSoba" table. End result is a list of anonymous type, which has a "Inventar" type object and a InventarSobaId integer, all within one element.

I'm basically trying to store all of these inside a class called InventarModel, which has both the InventarSobaId and Inventar fields that I'm trying to send back. However when I run this code:

 List<InventarModel> Lista = new List<InventarModel>();

    if (query.Count() > 0)
        InventarModel obj;
        for (int i = 0; i < query.Count(); i++)
            var obj2 = query.ElementAt(i);

            obj = new InventarModel
                InventarId = obj2.inventar.InventarId,
                Naziv = obj2.inventar.Naziv,
                SobaId = request.SobaId,
                InventarSobaId = obj2.InventarSobaId
    return Lista;

It says that ElementAt(i) is not supported, that it cannot parse the value with ElementAt method, and trying to index it with [] doesn't work at all. Please do note that when I use the "First" function, it works fine with the "obj" variable getting the very first row's data properly, however I can't make it work with indexing.

Simply put I'm trying to take the data from the query and store it all in one class which will have a List and I don't know how to go about it.

Just in case it's needed, here's what the classes Inventar and InventarModel look like:


   public partial class Inventar
        public Inventar()
            InventarSoba = new HashSet<InventarSoba>();

        public int InventarId { get; set; }
        public string Naziv { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<InventarSoba> InventarSoba { get; set; }


public class InventarModel
    public int InventarId { get; set; }
    public string Naziv { get; set; }
    public int SobaId { get; set; }
    public int InventarSobaId { get; set; }

标签: c#entity-frameworklinq


 List<InventarModel> Lista = 
         (from inventar in _context.Inventar
          join inventarsoba in _context.InventarSoba.Where(x => x.SobaId == request.SobaId)
          on inventar.InventarId equals inventarsoba.InventarId
          select new InventarModel()
             //Assign values here from the inventarsoba and inventar
             InventarId = inventar.InventarId,
             Naziv = inventar.Naziv,
             SobaId = request.SobaId,
             InventarSobaId = inventarsoba.InventarSobaId
