首页 > 解决方案 > Windows 10 not opening jupyter notebook in Command Prompt


I tried to open the jupyter notebook using Command Prompt on Windows 10. Instead of it opening in the browser as it should, nothing happens.

I have downloaded jupyter using

pip install jupyter
pip install jupyter notebook

All this worked fine but when I type this in Command Prompt only a new line forms and nothing happens.

C:\Users\meena\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder>jupyter notebook

C:\Users\meena\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder>

I have tried to install jupyter many times but it doesn't work. I only have python and not anaconda. So if someone else has the same problem and has tried anaconda please tell me so I can download it.

标签: pythonjupyter-notebookwindows-10jupyter


您是否尝试过打字jupyter-notebook并查看它是否有效?我最近升级了 Anaconda,并且jupyter notebook我的某些文件的输入停止工作,但我通过输入jupyter-notebook.
