首页 > 解决方案 > AppleScript 图标分辨率


我可以在不同的地方找到如何个性化 AppleScript 图标: https : //apple.stackexchange.com/questions/8299/how-do-i-make-an-applescript-file-into-a-mac-app 自定义 Applescript应用程序图标

Apple 还谈到了常规 Xcode 应用程序中不同图标的分辨率: https ://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/HighResolutionOSX/Optimizing/Optimizing.html

但是 AppleScript 图标应用程序的推荐分辨率是多少?

标签: iconsapplescript


图标大小由系统使用,而不是由 AppleScript 使用,因此系统对“常规”应用程序所需的任何约定也应该用于 AppleScript 应用程序。


根据对其他答案之一的评论,这是一个脚本,它将创建一个 icns 文件,其中包含您选择的任何图像的所有建议大小:

set picFile to choose file with prompt "Choose an image to iconize." of type {"public.image"}
set workingFolder to POSIX path of (path to temporary items from user domain)
set outputFolder to POSIX path of (path to desktop from user domain)

set sizesList to {16, 32, 128, 256, 512}

tell application "System Events"
    set pictureFilePath to quoted form of (get POSIX path of picFile)
    set {pictureName, ext} to {name, name extension} of picFile
    if ext is not "" then
        set pictureName to text 1 through -((length of ext) + 2) of pictureName
    end if

    -- create iconset folder
    set iconsetFolder to make new folder at folder workingFolder with properties {name:pictureName & ".iconset"}

    -- cycle through sizes to create normal and hi-def sized icon images
    repeat with thisSize in sizesList
        set iconFilePath to POSIX path of iconsetFolder & "/" & my makeFileNameFromSize(thisSize, false)
        do shell script "sips -z " & thisSize & " " & thisSize & " " & "-s format png " & pictureFilePath & " --out " & iconFilePath
        set iconFilePath to POSIX path of iconsetFolder & "/" & my makeFileNameFromSize(thisSize, true)
        do shell script "sips -z " & thisSize * 2 & " " & thisSize * 2 & " " & "-s format png " & pictureFilePath & " --out " & iconFilePath
    end repeat

    -- create new icns file
    set iconsetPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of iconsetFolder as text)
    set outputPath to quoted form of (outputFolder & pictureName & ".icns")
    do shell script "iconutil -c icns -o " & outputPath & " " & iconsetPath
end tell

on makeFileNameFromSize(s, x2)
    set fileName to "icon_" & s & "x" & s
    if x2 then set fileName to fileName & "@2x"
    set fileName to fileName & ".png"
    return fileName
end makeFileNameFromSize


  • 这会将 icns 文件放在桌面上;可以通过改变outputFolder变量来改变。
  • 如果图像文件名中有被 shell 解释为有意义的字符,这可能会引发错误。我在包含括号的文件名上注意到了这一点,但没有添加任何错误检查。
  • 这个脚本不保留纵横比,所以如果你给它一个不是正方形的图像,它会产生失真。如果您想保留纵横比,请记住图标必须是方形的,因此您必须首先通过裁剪或填充来使图像方形。
