首页 > 解决方案 > 检查数组中是否存在某些内容的最佳方法是什么?




我看到有些人在这个网站上回答这个问题,但答案不一,有些人说基本的 for 循环是最好的,其他人说 indexOf 和 findIndex 会表现更好,但不确定哪个最好,或者是否有不同的选择。

标签: javascript


Time complexity of searching in an array of length n is O(n) whereas using a Map will give you time complexity of O(1) because you don't need to iterate over a Map to know if particular element exists in it. You can get the element by using its key.

If elements exists, it will be returned in O(1) time, otherwise you will get undefined meaning element you searched for doesn't exists in the Map

So its better to use Map instead of an array in your case.
