首页 > 解决方案 > 是“僵局”吗?如何在多线程中避免它?


我目前正在学习 C++ 11 的并发性。我为课程作业编写了一段代码。但是,代码没有完成运行。


系统:Windows 10






void Producer::prods();函数中。那是行不通的。后来我再编辑一些。我添加了一个新的全局变量来检查消费者是否停止工作。另外,我添加了更多 if 语句来检查消费者void Buffer::put();。在那之后,我发现代码很少工作,但大部分时间都失败了。我试图 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(60));在单次消费/生产操作后编辑睡眠时间的代码。我已将 10 毫秒扩大到 60 毫秒。然后,代码工作得更好。现在,它很少失败。

我认为代码没有完成,因为在运行过程中出现了死锁。我在 Wiki 上找到了一个可能导致死锁的原因:当一个进程或线程进入等待状态时会发生死锁,因为请求的系统资源被另一个等待进程持有,而另一个等待进程又在等待另一个等待进程持有的另一个资源。如果一个进程不能无限期地改变它的状态,因为它请求的资源正被另一个等待的进程使用,那么系统就被称为死锁。



#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>          // std::mutex, std::unique_lock
#include <condition_variable> // std::condition_variable

using namespace std;

std::mutex mu; //mutex
//std::unique_lock<mutex> locker(mu); //unique_lock
std::condition_variable cond;

std::mutex m_mutex;

int consumerRunTurns = 0;

class Buffer {
Buffer():count(0) {}
void put();
int get();
bool isBufferEmpty();
bool isBufferFull();
int count;
}; //end class Buffer

//Thread Class and Functions inside:
class Consumer{
    Consumer(Buffer* cbptr);
    void cons();
    bool isConsumerDead();
    Buffer* BufferPtr;

class Producer{
    Producer(Buffer* pbptr, Consumer* coptr);
    void prods();
    Buffer* BufferPtr;
    Consumer* ConsumerPtr;

int main(){
    Buffer* tc = new Buffer();
    Consumer* cdtc = new Consumer(tc);
    Producer* pdtc = new Producer(tc,cdtc);
    std::thread t[5]; //declare an array of thread objects
    int i = 0;
    for(; i<3; ++i){
    for(; i<5; ++i){

    cout << "Debug1" << endl;
    cout << "Debug1" << endl;
    cout << "Debug1" << endl;

    for(i = 0; i<5; ++i){
        cout << "now i is :" << i << endl;

    cout << "All threads terminated" << endl;
    return 0;

void Buffer::put(){
    std::unique_lock<mutex> locker(mu); //unique_lock
    std::cout << "producer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << ",count = " << count << endl;
int Buffer::get(){
    std::unique_lock<mutex> locker(mu); //unique_lock
    std::cout << "consumer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << ",count = " << count << endl;
    return count;
bool Buffer::isBufferEmpty(){
    if(count <=0){
        std::cout << "buffer is empty, consumer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << " is about to suspend." << endl;
        return 1;
        return 0;
bool Buffer::isBufferFull(){
    if(count >=10){
        std::cout << "buffer is full, producer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << " is about to suspend." << endl;
        return 1;
        return 0;

Consumer::Consumer(Buffer* cbptr):BufferPtr(cbptr){

bool Consumer::isConsumerDead(){
    if(consumerRunTurns >= 200){
        cout << "consumer Dead" << endl;
        cout << "consumer Dead" << endl;
        cout << "consumer Dead" << endl;
        return 1;
        return 0;

void Consumer::cons(){
    for(int i = 0; i<100; ++i){

Producer::Producer(Buffer* pbptr, Consumer* coptr):BufferPtr(pbptr), ConsumerPtr(coptr){}

void Producer::prods(){
    for(int i = 0; i<100; ++i){


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>          // std::mutex, std::unique_lock
#include <condition_variable> // std::condition_variable

using namespace std;

std::mutex mu; //mutex
//std::unique_lock<mutex> locker(mu); //unique_lock
std::condition_variable cond;

std::mutex m_mutex;

class Buffer {
Buffer():count(0) {}
void put();
int get();
bool isBufferEmpty();
bool isBufferFull();
int count;
}; //end class Buffer

//Thread Class and Functions inside:
class Consumer{
    Consumer(Buffer* cbptr);
    void cons();
    bool isConsumerDead();
    Buffer* BufferPtr;
    int consumerDeadFlag;

class Producer{
    Producer(Buffer* pbptr, Consumer* coptr);
    void prods();
    Buffer* BufferPtr;
    Consumer* ConsumerPtr;

int main(){
    Buffer* tc = new Buffer();
    Consumer* cdtc = new Consumer(tc);
    Producer* pdtc = new Producer(tc,cdtc);
    std::thread t[5]; //declare an array of thread objects
    int i = 0;
    for(; i<3; ++i){
    for(; i<5; ++i){

    cout << "Debug1" << endl;
    cout << "Debug1" << endl;
    cout << "Debug1" << endl;

    for(i = 0; i<5; ++i){
        cout << "now i is :" << i << endl;

    cout << "All threads terminated" << endl;
    return 0;

void Buffer::put(){
    std::unique_lock<mutex> locker(mu); //unique_lock
    std::cout << "producer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << ",count = " << count << endl;
int Buffer::get(){
    std::unique_lock<mutex> locker(mu); //unique_lock
    std::cout << "consumer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << ",count = " << count << endl;
    return count;
bool Buffer::isBufferEmpty(){
    if(count <=0){
        std::cout << "buffer is empty, consumer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << " is about to suspend." << endl;
        return 1;
        return 0;
bool Buffer::isBufferFull(){
    if(count >=10){
        std::cout << "buffer is full, producer thread" << this_thread::get_id() << " is about to suspend." << endl;
        return 1;
        return 0;

Consumer::Consumer(Buffer* cbptr):BufferPtr(cbptr){
    consumerDeadFlag = 0;

bool Consumer::isConsumerDead(){
    if(consumerDeadFlag > 1){
        cout << "consumer Dead" << endl;
        cout << "consumer Dead" << endl;
        cout << "consumer Dead" << endl;
        return 1;
        return 0;

void Consumer::cons(){
    for(int i = 0; i<100; ++i){

Producer::Producer(Buffer* pbptr, Consumer* coptr):BufferPtr(pbptr), ConsumerPtr(coptr){}

void Producer::prods(){
    for(int i = 0; i<100; ++i){


producer threadDebug12,count = 1
producer thread4,count = 2

producer thread3,count = 3
consumer thread5,count = 2
consumer thread6,count = 1
producer thread2,count = 2
consumer thread5,count = 1
producer thread4,count = 2
producer thread3,count = 3
consumer thread6,count = 2
producer thread2,count = 3
producer thread4,count = 4
producer thread3,count = 5
consumer thread5,count = 4
consumer thread6,count = 3
producer thread2,count = 4
producer thread4,count = 5
consumer thread5,count = 4
producer thread3,count = 5
consumer thread6,count = 4
producer thread2,count = 5
consumer thread5,count = 4
producer thread4,count = 5
producer thread3,count = 6
consumer thread6,count = 5
producer thread2,count = 6
producer thread4,count = 7
producer thread3,count = 8
consumer thread5,count = 7
consumer thread6,count = 6
producer thread2,count = 7
consumer thread5,count = 6
producer thread4,count = 7
producer thread3,count = 8
consumer thread6,count = 7
producer thread2,count = 8
consumer thread5,count = 7
producer thread4,count = 8
producer thread3,count = 9
consumer thread6,count = 8
producer thread2,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread4,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.
consumer thread5,count = 9
producer thread2,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread3 is about to suspend.
consumer thread6,count = 9
producer thread3,count = 10
buffer is full, producer thread4 is about to suspend.
buffer is full, producer thread2 is about to suspend.


consumer Dead
consumer Dead
consumer Dead

标签: c++multithreadingc++11concurrency


首先,std::thread::join不会杀死线程 - 它等待线程完成。

您有 3 个生产者线程(每个生产 100 个项目),但只有 2 个消费者线程(每个消费 100 个项目)。这意味着有 100 件商品的生产过剩。再加上一个容量只有 10 个项目的缓冲区,您的生产者永远不会在消费者完成之前自行完成


但是,您解决此问题的尝试使您打开了无限阻塞的线程(类似于死锁,但不完全是)。我突然想到的场景(这并不意味着这是唯一的一个)是一个或多个生产者线程在cond.wait(locker);(in Buffer::put) 上被阻塞,但所有消费者线程都已结束(这意味着cond.notify_one();inBuffer::get将不再发生)。因此,那些生产者线程将永远等待,并且相应的join(s)不会返回。


检查消费者线程是否已结束的方式也可以改进。一种选择是首先join使用 2 个消费者线程。当两个消费者线程都加入时,向所有生产者线程发出信号,它们也应该结束,然后join是生产者线程。有问题的信号可以是例如。astd::atomic<bool>在生产者的每次迭代中检查。如果将BufferPtr->put();更改为 a BufferPtr->try_put();,这将最有效,它要么在缓冲区中插入一个项目,要么在缓冲区已满时立即返回(或者如果您愿意,可以在超时后返回)。

