首页 > 解决方案 > 使用数组的链表实现



此分配的目的是对具有增长数组的单链表进行内存管理。C++ 类操作两个单链表(一个是空闲节点,另一个是占用节点),但不是拥有指向内存中地址的指针,而是动态数组和数组元素的索引将成为包含元素值和下一个节点索引的“节点”。

这是我的 .h 文件

class  LList {
      // create an empty list

      // determine if the list is empty
      bool isEmpty() const;

      // insert x at the beginning of the list
      // precondition: there is enough heap memory
      // postcondition: x is placed in the list as first element
      void cons(int x);

      // append x to the end of the list
      // precondition: there is enough heap memory
      // postcondition: x is placed as the last element
      void append(int x);

      // return a string consisting of all the elements of the list
      // in the order in which they are in the list from first to last in this format:
      //    -> the string starts with "[" followed by the LList::DELIMITER
      //    -> for each element: the element's value followed by the LList::DELIMITER
      //    -> the string finishes with "]"
      // e.g. a string of 3 elements  "[ 41 36 999 ]"
      std::string toString() const;

      // return the number of elements in the list
      int length() const;

      // search x in the list
      // postcondition: return true if found, false oth
      bool found(int x) const;

      // return the first element of the list and LList::NOT_DEFINED if the list is empty
      int first() const;

      // return the last element of the list and LList::NOT_DEFINED if the list is empty
      int last() const;

      // delete the first occurrence of x in the list 
      // postcondition: return true if x was removed, false otherwise
      // give the length of the list, i.e. the number of elements in this list
      bool remove(int x);

      // mutator method (function) that reverses the list
      void reverse();

      // mutator method to transfer all the elements from the 'other' list into 
      // this list and place them at position pos of this list
      //    e.g. when pos == 0, all the elements of the 'other' list will
      //    be placed before the (original) elements of this list
      //    if pos >= length(), (i.e. if pos is greater than the length of this list),
      //    then all the elements of the 'other' list are appended to this list
      // precondition: pos >= 0, length() >= 0, other.length() >= 0
      // postcondition: all the elements of the 'other' list are removed from the 'other' list 
      // and placed into this list starting at position pos
      // The lengths of both lists change: 
      //    other.length() becomes 0 (all the elements get removed)
      // All the elements of the 'other' list are now in this list and the first element
      // of the 'other' list is at position pos of this list or at the end if pos >= length()
      void splice(LList& other, int pos);

      // return true if the lfSide list is equal to the rtSide list
      friend bool operator == (const LList& lfSide, const LList& rtSide);

      // copy constructor
      // we assuming that there is enough heap memory to make a copy
      LList(const LList&);

      // overloaded assignment operator
      // we assuming that there is enough heap memory to make a copy
      LList& operator = (const LList&);

      // destructor

      // string that separates the values of the list in toString 
      static const std::string DELIMITER;

      // value returned when there is no last or no first element in the list
      static const int NOT_DEFINED;

      #ifndef NDEBUG
      // dump the array (print the contents of the internal array) 
      // using the ostream passed which defaults to std::cout
      void dumpNodesArray(std::ostream& out = std::cout) const;

      struct Node {
         int item;
         int next;

      // the array of nodes has INITIAL_CAPACITY nodes
      static const int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 4;

      // dynamic array of nodes
      Node *nodes;

      // index of the first node in the linked list
      int head;

      // index of the first node of the "free nodes' list"
      int free;




标签: c++arrayslinked-list

