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这是我的计算机科学课作业的一部分。我是一名新程序员,我被困在检查警报方法上。它应该检查 aHours 是否等于小时,aMinutes 是否等于分钟,aSeconds 是否等于秒。它一直给我一条错误消息,说“二元运算符'=='的错误操作数类型第一种类型:int第二种类型:NumberDisplay”


 * The ClockDisplay class implements a digital clock display for a
 * European-style 24 hour clock. The clock shows hours and minutes. The 
 * range of the clock is 00:00 (midnight) to 23:59 (one minute before 
 * midnight).
 * The clock display receives "ticks" (via the timeTick method) every minute
 * and reacts by incrementing the display. This is done in the usual clock
 * fashion: the hour increments when the minutes roll over to zero.
 * @author Michael Kölling and David J. Barnes
 * @version 2016.02.29
public class ClockDisplay
    private NumberDisplay hours;
    private NumberDisplay minutes;
    private NumberDisplay seconds;
    private String displayString;    // simulates the actual display
    private int aHours;
    private int aMinutes;
    private int aSeconds;
    private boolean isSet;

     * Constructor for ClockDisplay objects. This constructor 
     * creates a new clock set at 00:00.
    public ClockDisplay()
        hours = new NumberDisplay(24);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
        seconds = new NumberDisplay(60);

     * Constructor for ClockDisplay objects. This constructor
     * creates a new clock set at the time specified by the 
     * parameters.
    public ClockDisplay(int hour, int minute, int second)
        hours = new NumberDisplay(24);
        minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
        seconds = new NumberDisplay(60);
        setTime(hour, minute, second);

     * This method should get called once every minute - it makes
     * the clock display go one minute forward.
    public void timeTick()
        if(minutes.getValue() == 0) {  // it just rolled over!

     * Set the time of the display to the specified hour and
     * minute.
    public void setTime(int hour, int minute, int second)

     * Return the current time of this display in the format HH:MM.
    public String getTime()
        return displayString;

     * Update the internal string that represents the display.
    private void updateDisplay()
        displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + ":" + 

     * Set alarm for clock
    private void setAlarm(int phour, int pminute, int psecond)
        aHours = phour;
        aMinutes = pminute;
        aSeconds = psecond;
        isSet = true;
        System.out.println("Alarm is set");

     * Cancel alarm for clock
    private void cancelAlarm()
        isSet = false;
        System.out.println("Alarm is off");

     * Check alarm for clock
    private void checkAlarm()
        if(aHours == hours && aMinutes == minutes && aSeconds == seconds)
            System.out.println("Alarm is off");
            return true;
            return false;


if(aHours == hours && aMinutes == minutes && aSeconds == seconds)
            System.out.println("Alarm is off");
            return true;
            return false;

标签: java



private NumberDisplay hours; // a variable called "hours" that is of type NumberDisplay
private NumberDisplay minutes; // a variable called "minutes" that is of type NumberDisplay
private NumberDisplay seconds; // a variable called "seconds" that is of type NumberDisplay
private int aHours; // a variable called "aHours" that is of type int
private int aMinutes; // a variable called "aMinutes" that is of type int
private int aSeconds; // a variable called "aSeconds" that is of type int

为了aHours == hours && aMinutes == minutes && aSeconds == seconds工作,“小时”必须是一个int或不能装箱成一个intlike Integer。分钟和秒也一样。

您想要的是获取其中每个存储的 int 值:

if (aHours == hours.getValue() && aMinutes == minutes.getValue() && aSeconds == seconds.getValue()) {


public void timeTick()
    if(minutes.getValue() == 0) {  // it just rolled over!

minutes具有.getValue()返回int. _
