首页 > 解决方案 > 无法在 ubuntu 18.04 中使用 apache commons vfs for vsftpd 重命名文件


我正在尝试使用 apache commons vfs 重命名 vsftpd 服务器中的文件,moveTo 函数在本地系统操作系统(Kubuntu 19.04)和 VSFTPD 服务器中运行良好,但是当我尝试在具有 ubuntu 18.04 的测试环境中重命名文件时我不是能够重命名我遇到异常的文件。


    public static boolean move(String hostName, String username, String password, String remoteSrcFilePath,
        String remoteDestFilePath, byte [] data) {

    FileObject remoteFile = null;
    FileObject remoteDestFile = null;
    boolean result = false;

    try (StandardFileSystemManager manager = new StandardFileSystemManager()){

        // Create remote object
        remoteFile = manager.resolveFile(
                createConnectionString(hostName, username, password, remoteSrcFilePath), createDefaultOptions());
        remoteDestFile = manager.resolveFile(
                createConnectionString(hostName, username, password, remoteDestFilePath), createDefaultOptions());

        if (!remoteDestFile.exists() && remoteFile.exists()) {
            if(null != data)
                writeData(remoteDestFile, data);
            result =  true;
        }else {
            throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Destination path already exists");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error while renaming/moving file",e);
    }  finally {
        try {
            if(null != remoteDestFile)

            if(null != remoteFile)

        } catch (FileSystemException e) {
            logger.warn("error while closing fileobject "+e.getMessage());
    return result;

    public static FileSystemOptions createDefaultOptions() throws FileSystemException {
    // Create SFTP options
    FileSystemOptions opts = new FileSystemOptions();

    // SSH Key checking
    SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setStrictHostKeyChecking(opts, "no");

     * Using the following line will cause VFS to choose File System's Root as VFS's
     * root. If I wanted to use User's home as VFS's root then set 2nd method
     * parameter to "true"
    // Root directory set to user home
    SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setUserDirIsRoot(opts, true);

    // Timeout is count by Milliseconds
    SftpFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setConnectTimeoutMillis(opts, 10000);

    return opts;


org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException: Could not determine if file "sftp://ftpuser:***@ip_address/home/ftpuser/ftp/1/Documents/test1/test2" is writeable


标签: javasftpubuntu-18.04apache-commons-vfsvsftpd


如果您遵循apache commons vfs for moveTo()的源代码,您会发现:

if (canRenameTo(destFile)) {            //src and dest have the same FS
  if (!getParent().isWriteable()) {     // <-- it could throw the same exception here
    throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/rename-parent-read-only.error", getName(),
} else {
  if (!isWriteable()) {    // <---- it throws inside here (IMO) rather than returning false 
    throw new FileSystemException("vfs.provider/rename-read-only.error", getName());

...,您会发现 moveTo(),如果目标文件不可写但以一种灾难性的方式(例如在isWriteable(file)其主体内引发异常而不是返回),则会抛出您看到的异常false

我的第一个电话是验证sftpd 进程ftp 用户是否可以写入您希望将文件移动到的目录。
