首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在MYSQL中获取每个月的最大日期




history table
|ID |  from_range   |      to_range       |     price  |      main_id
1   2019-09-01 00:00:00   2019-09-15 00:00:00       5           1
2   2019-09-16 00:00:00   2019-09-30 00:00:00       10          1
3   2019-10-01 00:00:00   2019-10-15 00:00:00       15          1
4   2019-10-16 00:00:00   2019-10-19 00:00:00       20          1
5   2019-10-20 00:00:00   0000-00-00 00:00:00       25          1
current_usage table
id    main_id    total_usage   date_created
1         1          10         2019-09-01     
2         1          10         2019-09-02 
3         1          10         2019-09-03 
4         1          10         2019-09-04 
5         1          10         2019-09-05 
6         1          10         2019-09-06 
7         1          20         2019-09-07 
8         1          5          2019-09-08 
9         1          5          2019-09-09 
10        1          10         2019-09-10 
11        1          10         2019-09-15     
12        1          10         2019-09-16 
13        1          10         2019-09-17 
14        1          10         2019-09-18 
15        1          10         2019-09-19 
16        1          10         2019-09-20 
17        1          20         2019-09-25 
18        1          5          2019-09-26 
19        1          5          2019-09-27 
20        1          10         2019-09-30
21        1          10         2019-10-01 
22        1          10         2019-10-02    
23        1          10         2019-10-03 
24        1          10         2019-10-10 
25        1          10         2019-10-11 
26        1          10         2019-10-12
27        1          10         2019-10-18 
28        1          20         2019-10-20
29        1          5          2019-10-21 
30        1          5          2019-10-22
31        1          10         2019-10-23  




id   price         range_date         total_usage  
1      5     2019-09-01 - 2019-09-15  SUM(total_usage) based on the date range
2      10    2019-09-16 - 2019-09-30  SUM(total_usage) based on the date range
3      15    2019-10-01 - 2019-10-15  SUM(total_usage) based on the date range
4      20    2019-10-16 - 2019-09-19  SUM(total_usage) based on the date range
5      25    2019-10-20 - 2019-10-31  SUM(total_usage) based on the date range

之后我打算每个月总结一下。基于那 5 行的输出。


SELECT price.price,
       price.from _range AS first_range, 
       price.to_range AS second_range,  
FROM history AS price
INNER JOIN current_usage AS current_usage 
        ON price.main_id = current_usage .main_id
INNER JOIN(SELECT MAX(to_range) AS maxdate
           FROM history
           GROUP BY YEAR(to_range), MONTH(to_range)) x ON price.to_range= maxdate


标签: mysqlsqldatabasemariadb



  DATE(p.from_range) AS first_range, 
  DATE(IF(p.to_range = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', LAST_DAY(p.from_range), p.to_range)) AS second_range,
  SUM(c.total_usage) AS total_usage
FROM history AS p
INNER JOIN current_usage AS c
        ON c.main_id = p.main_id 
           AND c.date_created BETWEEN DATE(p.from_range) AND DATE(IF(p.to_range = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', LAST_DAY(p.from_range), p.to_range))
GROUP BY p.id 

我假设表id中的列history是您的主键。因此,SELECT 子句中表中的其余非聚合列history在功能上是相关的,因此无需在GROUP BY
