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template <typename T>
T sum(stack<T>& s){
    if (s.empty()){
        return 0;
    } else {
        T first = s.top();
        T total = sum(s)+first;
        return total;

上面的代码旨在递归地对任何给定类型 T 堆栈的元素求和,唯一的条件是堆栈的完整性必须在函数结束时恢复。意思是,我可以对堆栈进行更改以对元素求和,只要它处于与函数终止时传递它之前的状态相同的状态。


我目前对其工作原理的理解是不完整的,并且可能存在缺陷,如下所示:因为每个 return 语句都返回到最近的调用者,所以当递归遇到基本情况并终止时,return 语句将以它们的方式支持递归调用堆栈直到它到达原始调用者,因此在每次移动时执行“s.push()”备份堆栈。


标签: c++recursion


Your overall understanding is correct. You're only missing connecting the final dots.

The key point to remember is when a function returns, it returns to wherever it was called from. Recursive functions are no different in that fundamental respect. Recursive function calls work exactly the same way.

It will help to understand if you label each recursive call. Let's call the initial invocation of the recursive function "A". When the recursive function calls itself, recursively, call that invocation of the recursive function "B". Then it calls again, and that's "C". Followed by "D", and so on.

The key point to understand is that when a function returns, it returns to wherever it was called from. So, "D" returns to "C", which returns to "B", and it returns to "A".

Now look at your recursive function. When the stack had one value left, let's call it "D", it removes the "D" value from the stack and makes the recursive call "E", which discovers that the stack is empty.

So it returns to "D", which pushes the "D" value back to the stack, which now has one value again. Then it returns to "C", which pushes the "C" value back to the stack, which now has the two original, last, values on the stack, in the same order.

In this fashion, the function calls unwind in reverse order from their original calling sequence, restoring the stack to exactly what it was, originally.
