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我有一个 MySQL 查询,

select u.*
from `usage` as u 
  use index (index4,index7)
where u.IsDeleted = 0
and (
  (p_fromDate is null and p_toDate is null) or
  (p_fromDate is not null and p_toDate is not null and
      convert(u.`Year`, char(4)), 
      convert(u.`Month`, char(2)), '-1'
    )) between p_fromDate and p_toDate
  ) or
    p_fromDate is not null and 
    p_toDate is not null and 
    u.`Month` is null and
    u.`Year` between Year(p_fromDate) and Year(p_toDate)


usage在(IsDeleted)上创建索引 index4 ;

上面一个是 for u.IsDeleted = 0,我可以看到用在EXPLAIN.


create index index7 on用法(Year);


(p_fromDate is null and p_toDate is null) or
  p_fromDate is not null and p_toDate is not null
    convert(u.`Year`, char(4)), 
    convert(u.`Month`, char(2)), 
  )) between p_fromDate and p_toDate
) or
  p_fromDate is not null and p_toDate is not null
  and u.`Month` is null
  and u.`Year` between Year(p_fromDate) and Year(p_toDate)


    # id, select_type, table, partitions, type, possible_keys, key, key_len, ref, rows, filtered, Extra
    1, SIMPLE, u, , ref, index4,index7, index4, 1, const, 37547, 100.00, Using where

可以看到只使用了 index4,year第二个条件没有使用 index7,我可以在 where 子句中让查询使用第二个条件的索引吗?


| id | LocationID | IndicatorID | Year | Month | HalfYear1 | HalfYear2 | FourMonths1 | FourMonths2 | FourMonths3 | Q1   | Q2   | Q3   | Q4   | BiMonthly1 | BiMonthly2 | BiMonthly3 | BiMonthly4 | BiMonthly5 | BiMonthly6 | DateOfUsage | Price | PriceUnit | ExchangeRate | Value | ValueUnit | Remarks | CreatedBy                    | CreatedDate         | ModifiedBy                   | ModifiedDate        | IsDeleted | IsHeatRecovery |
| 1  | 33         | 17          | 2016 | 4     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 2  | 33         | 15          | 2016 | 4     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 3  | 33         | 653         | 2016 | 4     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 4  | 34         | 17          | 2016 | 4     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 5  | 34         | 15          | 2016 | 4     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 6  | 34         | 653         | 2016 | 4     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 7  | 33         | 17          | 2016 | 5     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 8  | 33         | 15          | 2016 | 5     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 9  | 33         | 653         | 2016 | 5     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |
| 10 | 34         | 17          | 2016 | 5     | NULL      | NULL      | NULL        | NULL        | NULL        | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL       | NULL        | NULL  | NULL      | NULL         | NULL  | kg        | NULL    | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | john.smith@hkg.fujixerox.com | 2017-07-11 17:23:28 | 0         | 0              |


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `SelectUsage4`(

      IN p_ids MEDIUMTEXT
    , IN p_locationIDs MEDIUMTEXT
    , IN p_indicatorIDs MEDIUMTEXT
    , IN p_fromDate date
    , IN p_toDate date
    , IN p_yearly tinyint(4)
    , IN p_monthly tinyint(4)
    , IN p_halfYear1 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_halfYear2 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_fourMonths1 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_fourMonths2 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_fourMonths3 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_q1 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_q2 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_q3 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_q4 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_biMonthly1 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_biMonthly2 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_biMonthly3 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_biMonthly4 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_biMonthly5 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_biMonthly6 tinyint(4)
    , IN p_approvalStatus int(11)
    , IN p_language nvarchar(10)
    explain select 
        case when (select count(lbl.id) from `labels` as lbl where lbl.ObjectID = l.id and lbl.ObjectName = 'locations' and lbl.ColumnName = 'LocationName' and lbl.LanguageCode = p_language) > 0 then
            (select content from `labels` as lbl where lbl.ObjectID = l.id and lbl.ObjectName = 'locations' and lbl.ColumnName = 'LocationName' and lbl.LanguageCode = p_language limit 1)
        end as LocationName
        , l.ParentID as LocationParentID
        , l.Active as LocationActive
        , l.RegionID
        , case when (select count(lbl.id) from `labels` as lbl where lbl.ObjectID = i.id and lbl.ObjectName = 'indicators' and lbl.ColumnName = 'IndicatorName' and lbl.LanguageCode = p_language) > 0 then
            (select content from `labels` as lbl where lbl.ObjectID = i.id and lbl.ObjectName = 'indicators' and lbl.ColumnName = 'IndicatorName' and lbl.LanguageCode = p_language limit 1)
        end as IndicatorName
        , i.ParentID as IndicatorParentID
        , i.Unit
        , i.DecimalPlaces
        , i.Active as IndicatorActive
        , i.IndicatorType
        , u.*
        `usage` as u
        left join `locations` as l on u.LocationID = l.id
        left join `Indicators` as i on u.IndicatorID = i.id
        u.IsDeleted = 0
        and (
            (p_fromDate is null and p_toDate is null)
                p_fromDate is not null and p_toDate is not null
                DATE(CONCAT(convert(u.`Year`, char(4)), '-', convert(u.`Month`, char(2)), '-1')) between p_fromDate and p_toDate
                p_fromDate is not null and p_toDate is not null
                u.`Month` is null
                u.`Year` between Year(p_fromDate) and Year(p_toDate)
        and (p_yearly is null or (p_yearly is not null and p_yearly = 1 and u.`Month` is null) or (p_yearly is not null and p_yearly = 0 and u.`Month` is not null))
        and (p_monthly is null or (p_monthly is not null and p_monthly = 1 and u.`Month` is not null))
        and (p_ids is null or FIND_IN_SET(u.id, p_ids))
        and (p_locationIDs is null or FIND_IN_SET(u.LocationID, p_locationIDs))
        and (p_indicatorIDs is null or FIND_IN_SET(u.IndicatorID, p_indicatorIDs))

               (p_halfYear1 is null or u.HalfYear1 = p_halfYear1)
            or (p_halfYear2 is null or u.HalfYear2 = p_halfYear2)
               (p_fourMonths1 is null or u.FourMonths1 = p_fourMonths1)
            or (p_fourMonths2 is null or u.FourMonths2 = p_fourMonths2)
            or (p_fourMonths3 is null or u.FourMonths3 = p_fourMonths3)
               (p_q1 is null or u.Q1 = p_q1)
            or (p_q2 is null or u.Q2 = p_q2)
            or (p_q3 is null or u.Q3 = p_q3)
            or (p_q4 is null or u.Q4 = p_q4)
               (p_biMonthly1 is null or u.BiMonthly1 = p_biMonthly1)
            or (p_biMonthly2 is null or u.BiMonthly2 = p_biMonthly2)
            or (p_biMonthly3 is null or u.BiMonthly3 = p_biMonthly3)
            or (p_biMonthly4 is null or u.BiMonthly4 = p_biMonthly4)
            or (p_biMonthly5 is null or u.BiMonthly5 = p_biMonthly5)
            or (p_biMonthly6 is null or u.BiMonthly6 = p_biMonthly6)
        and (
                p_approvalStatus is null
                    select ara.ApprovalStatus
                    from `tasks_details` as t
                    inner join `approval_request_tasks` as art on t.TaskID = art.TaskID
                    inner join `approval_request_approvers` as ara on art.ApprovalRequestID = ara.ApprovalRequestID
                        t.IsDeleted = 0 
                        t.ObjectID = u.id
                        and t.ObjectType = 'Usage'
                    order by
                        ara.ModifiedDate desc limit 1
                ) = p_approvalStatus
    order by
        i.IndicatorName, l.LocationName



标签: mysqlsql

