首页 > 解决方案 > 什么是仅使用制表符(不使用制表位)从文本框中的字符串数组显示对齐表格的最简单方法


我有一个包含 5 个条目的字符串数组,其中每个字符串由 7 个用逗号分隔的字段组成。这些字段的长度不同。我使用的是等宽字体,所以我可以用标签对齐东西。

我已经建立了一个遍历字符串数组的循环,拆分数组中的字符串,以确定每个“列”中的哪个字符串最长。然后是另一个循环,我在其中组装一个带有字段的字符串,后跟一个 vbTab,如果当前字段比最大长度短 8 的倍数,我添加额外的 vbTabs(所以如果它短 8,则添加一个额外的 vbTab,16 = 2 vbTabs 等)。



Sub WriteTidyBlockH_layoutissues(list As List(Of String))
        'Takes a list of strings as argument
        'Writes it out as a table
        'Assumes first line is a header (will be bolded)
        'Go through list, split table fields and determine their lengths

        Dim strLineFields As String()   'string array to hold the fields in a single line
        Dim strLineField As String      'an individual field in a line
        Dim FieldMaxLengths As New List(Of Integer)()  'list that will hold max length of each column
        Dim i, j, k, intLines, intColumns As Integer
        Dim strLine As String           'string to build a tabbed line in
        Dim Tabs As Byte
        'determine number of lines
        intLines = list.Count - 1
        'determine number of columns by counting the commas
        intColumns = list(0).Count(Function(c As Char) c = ",")
        For i = 0 To intColumns
        Dim strFields(intLines, intColumns) As String     '2 dimensional array of strings, containing ALL fields

        i = 0
        For Each strListElement As String In list
            j = 0
            strLineFields = Split(strListElement, ",")
            For Each strLineField In strLineFields
                strFields(i, j) = strLineFields(j)
                If strLineFields(j).Length > FieldMaxLengths(j) Then
                    FieldMaxLengths(j) = strLineFields(j).Length
                End If
                j += 1
            i += 1
        For i = 0 To intLines
            strLine = ""
            For j = 0 To intColumns
                If Not j = intColumns Then
                    strLine += strFields(i, j) + vbTab 'one tab is always needed for every field, except the last

                    If strFields(i, j).Length <= FieldMaxLengths(j) Then
                        'strLine += strFields(i, j) + vbTab
                        'figure out how many additional tabs necessary
                        Tabs = (FieldMaxLengths(j) - strFields(i, j).Length) \ 8  'Div
                        For k = 1 To Tabs
                            strLine += vbTab

                    End If
                    'last column, don't add tabs
                    strLine += strFields(i, j)
                End If
            If i = 0 Then
                WriteOut(strLine, 0, True)
            End If
    End Sub


Bank    Location    Capacity    Speed   Manufacturer    Part Number Serial Number
BANK 0  ChannelA-DIMM0  8GB 1600    Kingston    99U5471-066.A00LF   24E8D583
BANK 1  ChannelA-DIMM1  8GB 1600    Kingston    99U5471-054.A00LF   30269BB7
BANK 2  ChannelB-DIMM0  8GB 1600    Kingston    99U5471-058.A00LF   182C9113
BANK 3  ChannelB-DIMM1  8GB 1600    Kingston    99U5471-054.A00LF   D63F4C11

注意我在格式化时遇到了一些麻烦。在实际输出中,只有Capacity 和Serial Number 未对齐(太左),而Spped、Manufacturer 和Part Number 与它们下方的数据正确对齐。

注意:WriteOut 只是一个将单个字符串写入文本框并附加 vbCrLf 的子程序。其他两个参数是可选的(颜色和粗体)。

标签: vb.net

