首页 > 解决方案 > 没有关于地图功能的信息?(不是地图)



编辑:实际上它确实适合/最大适合度现在我的问题是我的引擎如何知道即使我使用 ctrl + 空格不存在的地图也这样做,当我这样做或我尝试 alert(map.toString()); 查看源代码它返回本机代码,这意味着它确实存在,为什么这么多?

您可以在此链接上的示例中查看它,您会在 Population.js 类中找到它,因为它对我来说没有意义

naturalSelection() {
// Clear the ArrayList
this.matingPool = [];

let maxFitness = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) {
  if (this.population[i].fitness > maxFitness) {
    maxFitness = this.population[i].fitness;

// Based on fitness, each member will get added to the mating pool a certain number of times
// a higher fitness = more entries to mating pool = more likely to be picked as a parent
// a lower fitness = fewer entries to mating pool = less likely to be picked as a parent
for (let i = 0; i < this.population.length; i++) {
 =>: let fitness = map(this.population[i].fitness, 0, maxFitness, 0,1);

  let n = floor(fitness * 100); // Arbitrary multiplier, we can also use monte carlo method
  for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) { // and pick two random numbers


标签: javascript

