首页 > 解决方案 > 如果未提交选择,单选按钮返回错误答案


我正在使用以下代码使用 ASP.NET 和 SQL Server 2008 进行在线测验。如果在按下提交后没有检查任何内容,我需要我的单选按钮返回错误答案。

    <div id="questionsdiv" runat="server" >
        <asp:Label ID="lblalert" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" Font-Size="20px" Visible="false" /><br />            
        <asp:Repeater ID="questionsrpt" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="questionsrpt_ItemDataBound" >
                <asp:HiddenField ID="hfID" runat="server" Value='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "id")%>' Visible="false" />
                <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvquiz" runat="server" Display="Dynamic" ControlToValidate="rbloptions" ValidationGroup="quizvalidation" ForeColor="Red" Text="*" SetFocusOnError="true"/>&nbsp;<asp:Label ID="lblquestion" runat="server" Font-Size="20px" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "title")%>' /><br />
                <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rbloptions" runat="server" ValidationGroup="quizvalidation" Font-Size="14px" style="font-weight:bold"/>
        <asp:Button ID="btnsubmit" runat="server" OnClick="btnsubmit_Click" Text="Submit" ValidationGroup="quizvalidation" />


//quiz answers submitted
    protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlDataReader dReader;
        string email = "";
        string name = "";
        string selectedanswer = "";
        string correctanswer = "";
        int questionId = 0;
        int questionscount = 0;
        int correctcount = 0;
        int wrongcount = 0;
        int success = 0;
        ArrayList answersList = new ArrayList();

        if (Page.IsValid)
            email = txtemail.Text.Trim();
            name = txtname.Text.Trim();

            //check if this account has already taken the quiz.
            DataTable accounts = new DataTable();
            SqlCommand checkentrycmd = new SqlCommand("select * from " + quizresponsestable + " where quizid=@quizid and email=@email");
            checkentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("quizid", quizId);
            checkentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("email", email);

            db checkentry = new db();
            accounts = checkentry.returnDataTable(checkentrycmd);

            if (accounts.Rows.Count > 0)
                quizdetails.Visible = false;
                detailsdiv.Visible = false;
                questionsdiv.Visible = false;
                lblmessage.Visible = true;
                lblmessage.Text = "You have already taken this quiz!";
                foreach (RepeaterItem item in questionsrpt.Items)
                    // Checking the item is a data item
                    if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                        //get the questionid
                        var hfId = item.FindControl("hfID") as HiddenField;
                        questionId = Convert.ToInt32(hfId.Value);

                        //get the submitted answer
                        var rdbList = item.FindControl("rbloptions") as RadioButtonList;
                        selectedanswer = rdbList.SelectedValue;
                        //disable to prevent submitting again
                        rdbList.Enabled = false;

                        //get the correct answer
                        SqlCommand getanswercmd = new SqlCommand("select optionid from " + quizquestionanswertable + " where questionid=@questionid");
                        getanswercmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("questionid", questionId);

                        db getanswer = new db();
                        dReader = getanswer.returnDataReader(getanswercmd);

                        if (!dReader.HasRows)
                            //can't find this question/answer
                            while (dReader.Read())
                                correctanswer = dReader["optionid"].ToString();

                        //compare both answers
                        if (selectedanswer == correctanswer)
                            rdbList.SelectedItem.Attributes.Add("style", "color: #006400");
                            rdbList.SelectedItem.Attributes.Add("style", "color: #ff0000");
                            rdbList.Items.FindByValue(correctanswer).Attributes.Add("style", "color: #006400");

                        //add the submitted answer to list
                        answersList.Add(new string[] { questionId.ToString(), selectedanswer });

                //create entry
                SqlCommand insertentrycmd = new SqlCommand("insert into " + quizresponsestable + " (quizid, email, name, correctanswers, wronganswers, lastupdated) values (@quizid, @email, @name, @correctanswers, @wronganswers, @lastupdated);SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int)");
                insertentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("quizid", quizId);
                insertentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("email", email);
                insertentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", name);
                insertentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("correctanswers", correctcount);
                insertentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("wronganswers", wrongcount);
                insertentrycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("lastupdated", updatedate);

                db insertentry = new db();
                success = insertentry.ReturnIDonExecuteQuery(insertentrycmd);

                //display the result on screen
                if (success > 0)
                    foreach (string[] arr in answersList)
                        SqlCommand insertresponsecmd = new SqlCommand("insert into " + quizuserreponsetable + " (responseid, questionid, optionid, lastupdated) values (@responseid, @questionid, @optionid, @lastupdated)");
                        insertresponsecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("responseid", success);
                        insertresponsecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("questionid", arr[0].ToString());
                        insertresponsecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("optionid", arr[1].ToString());
                        insertresponsecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("lastupdated", updatedate);

                        db insertresponses = new db();

                    detailsdiv.Visible = false;
                    questionscount = correctcount + wrongcount;
                    lblalert.Visible = true;

                    //get the completion description from database table
                    SqlDataReader Treader;
                    SqlCommand getcompletiondesc = new SqlCommand("select completiondescription from " + quizdetailstable + " where id=@quizid");
                    getcompletiondesc.Parameters.AddWithValue("quizid", quizId);

                    db getdesc = new db();
                    Treader = getdesc.returnDataReader(getcompletiondesc);

                    if (!Treader.HasRows)
                        lblalert.Text = "Thanks for taking the Quiz." + "<br />" + "You have answered <span style='color:#006400;'>" + correctcount + "</span> questions correctly out of " + questionscount + "<br />";
                        while (Treader.Read())
                            string completiondesc = Treader["completiondescription"].ToString();
                            lblalert.Text = completiondesc + "<br />" + "You have answered <span style='color:#006400;'>" + correctcount + "</span> questions correctly out of " + questionscount + "<br />";

                    btnsubmit.Visible = false;
                    lblalert.Visible = true;
                    lblalert.Text = "Sorry! we could not process your request. Please try again.";
            lblalert.Visible = true;
            lblalert.Text = "Please answer all the questions!";

标签: c#asp.netsql-serverradio-buttonform-submit


我的一个问题是:如果您从 SelectedValue 的空字符串开始,为什么不检查确保 string.IsNullOrEmpty() 对所讨论的值失败?Page.IsValid() 方法将返回“true”,因为就它而言,它用于确定页面是否经过验证的信息是完整的。

这部分是免费的:(恕我直言)如果您要使用 ValidationGroup,也请使用 ValidationSummary。这样,您就不必担心单个标签
