首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 16 位汇编中将 320x200 像素映射到 VGA 视频内存


对于大学的奖金作业,我们需要在组装中制作游戏。我的想法是重新创建 mario NES 的第一级,但是在编码时我无法使我正在使用的模拟器(qemu)在屏幕上显示像素。

我在 Linux Debian 发行版上编码并使用 NASM 编译我的代码。我正在使用这个引导加载程序:(https://github.com/Pusty/realmode-assembly/blob/master/part6/bootloader.asm)使游戏可引导并自己编写内核。
为了在屏幕上绘图,我使用 320x200 VGA 模式(int 0x10, 0x13)并使用双缓冲方法写入屏幕以使其运行更流畅。


; si = image to draw, ax = x location offset of image, bx = y location offset of image
push es

xor di, di
imul di, bx, 320     ; translate the y offset to y position in buffer
add di, ax           ; adds the x offset to buffer to obtain (x,y) of image in buffer
mov es, word [bufferPos]  ; moves the address of the buffer to es
mov bp, ax           ; saves the x offset for later use

; image is in binary and first two words contain width and height of image
xor ax, ax
mov cx, ax           ; first byte of img is the width of the image
mov dx, ax           ; second byte of img is height of the image

     ; check if within screen box
     mov bx, di
     add bx, cx      ; adds length of image to offset to get top right pixel
     cmp bx, 0       ; if top right pixel is less than 0 it is outside top screen
     jl .skipX       ; if less then 0 skip the x pixels row
     sub bx, cx
     sub bx, 320*200 ; subtracts total screen pixels off of image to get left botom pixel
      jge .skipX     ; if greater then 0 it is outside of bottom of screen
      xor bx, bx

           ; check if within left and right of screen
           cmp bx, 320
           jg .skip
           sub bx, bp
           cmp bx, 0
           jl .skip
           ; if more bx (x position) is more >320 or <0 it is outside of screen           

           mov al, byte [si + bx]   ; moves the color of the next pixel to al
           test al, al              ; if al is 0x0 it is a 'transparant' pixel
           jz .skip
           mov byte [es:di], al     ; move the pixel to the buffer
           inc bx                   ; move to next pixel in image
           cmp bx, cx               ; check if all pixels in x row of image are done
           jl .forX                 ; if not all images are done repeat forX
     add di, 320             ; if forX is done move to next y position
     add si, cx              ; moves to the next y row in image
     dec dx                  ; decrements yloop counter
     jnz .forY
pop es

bufferPos dw 0x7E0      ; address at which to store the second buffer

此代码存储在名为 buffer.s 的单独文件中,并包含在 kernel.s 中,使用

%include buffer.s

内核位于 0x8000,它所做的只是包含要使用 x 和 y 偏移量绘制的图像,并调用双缓冲区

org 0x8000
bits 16

   mov ah, 0
   mov al, 0x13
   int 0x10

   call resetBuffer     ; method to set all pixels in buffer to light blue
   mov ax, 10           ; x position of image
   mov bx, 100          ; y position of image
   mov si, [mario]      ; moves the image location to si
   call drawBuffer

   call writeVideoMem   ; simply stores all bytes in the buffer to the videoMemory
   jmp main

jmp $

   dw mario_0

mario_0 incbin "images/mario_right_0.bin"

times (512*16)-($-$$) db 0

我期望它画马里奥,但是当我在 qemu 上运行它时使用

nasm -fbin bootloader.s -o bootloader.bin
nasm -fbin kernel.s -o kernel.bin
cat bootloader.bin kernel.bin > game.bin

qemu-system-i386 game.bin


我唯一能想到的是访问所有像素 16 位寄存器没有足够的位,这就是它不起作用的原因。


标签: assemblygraphicsx86-16bootloader


bufferPos dw 0x7E0 


您使用的引导加载程序将内核存储在线性地址 0x00008000。为了加载它设置ES:BX == 0x0000:0x8000. 而且您已经正确地将ORG 0x8000内核放在源代码之上。

但是您已经在线性地址 0x00007E00 ( ES* 16) 处定义了双缓冲区。你已经设置了ES == 0x07E0

一个适合 320x200x8 视频模式的缓冲区应该有 64000 字节。因此,在例如线性地址 0x00010000 处设置您的双缓冲区,这需要您编写:

bufferPos dw 0x1000

这为 32KB 内核留下了空间。目前,您只使用 8KB 的内核。

处理 1 条水平线的内部循环忘记增加DI寄存器!

    PUSH DI              <******************
    xor bx, bx
        mov al, byte [si + bx]
        test al, al           ; if al is 0x0 it is a 'transparant' pixel
        jz .skip
        mov byte [es:di], al  ; move the pixel to the buffer
        INC DI           <******************
        inc bx                ; move to next pixel in image
        cmp bx, cx            ; check if all pixels in row are done
        jl .forX                 ; if not all images are done repeat forX
    POP DI               <******************
    add di, 320             ; if forX is done move to next y position
    add si, cx              ; moves to the next y row in image
    dec dx                  ; decrements yloop counter
    jnz .forY

试试这个简化的代码,一旦它工作,重新考虑如何检查限制。IMO 不应该DI.


    xor bx, bx
        mov al, byte [si + bx]
        test al, al           ; if al is 0x0 it is a 'transparant' pixel
        jz .skip
        mov byte [es:di+BX], al  ; move the pixel to the buffer
        inc bx                ; move to next pixel in image
        cmp bx, cx            ; check if all pixels in row are done
        jl .forX                 ; if not all images are done repeat forX
    add di, 320             ; if forX is done move to next y position
    add si, cx              ; moves to the next y row in image
    dec dx                  ; decrements yloop counter
    jnz .forY
