首页 > 解决方案 > Storing collection information in a class


I have a ModelManager which keeps track of creating and destroying new objects. Here's an example:

class ModelManager:
    MAX_OBJECTS = 10
    OBJECTS = {} # hash to model object
    NUM_OBJECTS = len(OBJECTS) # how to dynamically calculate this?

Every time an object is created it is added to OBJECTS and everytime it is deleted it gets popped from OBJECTS.

How would I properly do the NUM_OBJECTS here? Ideally it should be a classmethod/property to act as a calculation. For doing something like the above, what would be the best way?

I would like to call it as ModelManager.NUM_OBJECTS

标签: pythonpython-3.xcollections



class ModelManager:

    def NUM_OBJECTS(self):
        return len(self.OBJECTS)


如果您希望能够len在您的班级周围打电话(除了NUM_OBJECTS) - 您可以使用元类过度杀伤:

class ModelManagerMeta(type):

    def __len__(cls):
         return len(cls.OBJECTS)

    def NUM_OBJECTS(cls):
         return len(cls.OBJECTS)

class ModelManager(metaclass=ModelManagerMeta):

    MAX_OBJECTS = 10
    OBJECTS = {} # hash to model object
