首页 > 解决方案 > 合并图像块并显示图像编号


嗨,我已经开始使用许多图像进行图像处理。对于每张图片,我都使用 canny 找到了边缘。每个图像的尺寸相同,为 500x500。现在我必须将这些图像分成块并找到每个块中像素的平均值。然后比较图像的每个块以找到所有图像中的最大值。最后,我想用所有图像中的块生成最终图像,并具有悬停在块上的功能。将鼠标悬停在特定块上的最终图像上时,它应该显示图像编号和该块中信息的强度。我设法找到了边缘,然后我读取了那些边缘检测到的图像,将它们分成块。我想知道如何使用这些具有悬停功能的块构建新图像。

def auto_canny(image, sigma=0.33):
    # Compute the median of the single channel pixel intensities
    v = np.median(image)

    # Apply automatic Canny edge detection using the computed median
    lower = int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * v))
    upper = int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * v))
    return cv2.Canny(image, lower, upper)

# Read in each image and convert to grayscale
images = [cv2.imread(file,0) for file in glob.glob("images/*.jpg")]

# Iterate through each image, perform edge detection, and save image
number = 0
for image in images:
    canny = auto_canny(image)
    cv2.imwrite('edges_canny/canny_{}.jpg'.format(number), canny)
    number += 1

num = 0
for image_file_name in os.listdir('edges_canny/'):
     im = Image.open('edges_canny/'+image_file_name)
     new_width  = 500
     new_height = 500
     im = im.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
     im.save('downsize/canny_{}'.format(num) + '.jpg')
     num +=1

img = [cv2.imread(file,0) for file in glob.glob("downsize/*.jpg")]
for im in img:
    arr = np.asarray(im)
    arr = np.split(arr, 50)
    arr = np.array([np.split(x, 50, 1) for x in arr])
    block= [arr[i][j].median() for i in range(50) for j in range(50)]

max_X = list(zip(*Block))
result = [max(i) for i in max_X]


标签: pythonopencvimage-processingcomputer-visionpython-imaging-library

