首页 > 解决方案 > Unity 中带有 Touchscript 运动的 2D 刚体不会停留在边界内


我正在尝试制作一个玩家必须移动两个球拍的乒乓球游戏。它们目前被设置为动态 2D 刚体(碰撞检测连续)并附有一个盒子碰撞器(不是触发器)。


 using UnityEngine;
 using System.Collections;

  namespace UnityLibrary
      public class EdgeCollider : MonoBehaviour 

    public float colDepth = 4f;
    public float zPosition = 0f;
    private Vector2 screenSize;
    private Transform topCollider;
    private Transform bottomCollider;

    private Transform leftCollider;
    private Transform rightCollider;
    private Vector3 cameraPos;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
    //Generate our empty objects
        topCollider = new GameObject().transform;
        bottomCollider = new GameObject().transform;
        rightCollider = new GameObject().transform;
        leftCollider = new GameObject().transform;

    //Name our objects 
        topCollider.name = "TopCollider";
        bottomCollider.name = "BottomCollider";
        rightCollider.name = "RightCollider";
        leftCollider.name = "LeftCollider";

    //Add the colliders

    //Make them the child of whatever object this script is on, preferably on the Camera so the objects move with the camera without extra scripting
        topCollider.parent = transform;
        bottomCollider.parent = transform;
        rightCollider.parent = transform;
        leftCollider.parent = transform;

    //Generate world space point information for position and scale calculations
        cameraPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
        screenSize.x = Vector2.Distance (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0,0)),Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Screen.width, 0))) * 0.5f;
        screenSize.y = Vector2.Distance (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0,0)),Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0, Screen.height))) * 0.5f;

    //Change our scale and positions to match the edges of the screen...   
        rightCollider.localScale = new Vector3(colDepth, screenSize.y * 2, colDepth);
        rightCollider.position = new Vector3(cameraPos.x + screenSize.x + (rightCollider.localScale.x * 0.5f), cameraPos.y, zPosition);
        leftCollider.localScale = new Vector3(colDepth, screenSize.y * 2, colDepth);
        leftCollider.position = new Vector3(cameraPos.x - screenSize.x - (leftCollider.localScale.x * 0.5f), cameraPos.y, zPosition);
        topCollider.localScale = new Vector3(screenSize.x * 2, colDepth, colDepth);
        topCollider.position = new Vector3(cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y + screenSize.y + (topCollider.localScale.y * 0.5f), zPosition);
        bottomCollider.localScale = new Vector3(screenSize.x * 2, colDepth, colDepth);
        bottomCollider.position = new Vector3(cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y - screenSize.y - (bottomCollider.localScale.y * 0.5f), zPosition);

球与桨相撞并按其应有的方式弹开,并与周围的箱形对撞机相撞并完美弹回。但是,桨叶会直接穿过周围的盒子碰撞器 (EdgeColliders)。请注意,我使用统一资产商店中的 Touchscript 包来控制移动。它不会移动它使用变换的刚体。另一件需要注意的事情是,当我使桨非常轻(0.0001 质量)并向它们添加重力时,它们确实会与边缘碰撞器发生碰撞并且不会穿过屏幕。

标签: unity3d2dgame-physicsrigid-bodies


如果您希望桨与周围的盒子碰撞,您应该使用 AddForce() 移动刚体,而不是移动变换。或者你可以像这样限制桨的运动:

if (transform.position.x < LeftScreenEdge)
    transform.position = new Vector3(LeftScreenEdge, transform.position.y);        
