首页 > 解决方案 > Electron 是否支持 4K USB 视频分辨率?


我们正在使用 Electron 框架开发一个 Windows 应用程序。此应用程序旨在显示来自 USB 摄像头的视频流。我们正在使用“navigator.mediaDevices”api 来访问 USB 视频流。问题是 Electron 应用程序无法为 4K USB 视频分辨率工作并引发错误。

我们能够在 Electron 应用程序中看到视频流,但它仅适用于较低的分辨率,例如 480p,因此质量达不到标准。USB 摄像头可以支持到 4K 分辨率。但是,当我们提供更高分辨率时,它可以工作到 720p,但超出此范围会出现“OverconstrainedError”。(下面的代码片段用于 refn)


                            width: {
                                exact: usbWidth // works till 1280
                            height: {
                                exact: usbHeight // works till 720

                            deviceId: {
                            exact: deviceid

            }).then(function (stream) {
                stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {


  1. 建立在 Chromium 之上的 Electron 在 USB 视频分辨率方面是否有任何限制?

  2. Electron 应用中是否支持 4K USB 视频分辨率?

  3. 是否有任何参考代码可以为我们指明正确的方向?

这是 FFMPEG 命令的响应:-

ffmpeg version N-94112-gbb11584924 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 9.1.1 (GCC) 20190621

  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libdav1d --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-amf --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth --enable-libopenmpt

  libavutil      56. 29.100 / 56. 29.100

  libavcodec     58. 53.100 / 58. 53.100

  libavformat    58. 28.100 / 58. 28.100

  libavdevice    58.  7.100 / 58.  7.100

  libavfilter     7. 55.100 /  7. 55.100

  libswscale      5.  4.101 /  5.  4.101

  libswresample   3.  4.100 /  3.  4.100

  libpostproc    55.  4.100 / 55.  4.100

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0] DirectShow video device options (from video devices)

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]  Pin "Capture" (alternative pin name "0")

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1920x1080 fps=30 max s=1920x1080 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1920x1080 fps=30 max s=1920x1080 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x720 fps=30 max s=1280x720 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x720 fps=30 max s=1280x720 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=640x360 fps=30 max s=640x360 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=640x360 fps=30 max s=640x360 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x960 fps=30 max s=1280x960 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x960 fps=30 max s=1280x960 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1024x768 fps=30 max s=1024x768 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1024x768 fps=30 max s=1024x768 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=640x480 fps=30 max s=640x480 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=640x480 fps=30 max s=640x480 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x1024 fps=30 max s=1280x1024 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x1024 fps=30 max s=1280x1024 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x800 fps=30 max s=1280x800 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=h264  min s=1280x800 fps=30 max s=1280x800 fps=60.0002

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1920x1080 fps=15 max s=1920x1080 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1920x1080 fps=15 max s=1920x1080 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x720 fps=15 max s=1280x720 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x720 fps=15 max s=1280x720 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=640x360 fps=15 max s=640x360 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=640x360 fps=15 max s=640x360 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x960 fps=15 max s=1280x960 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x960 fps=15 max s=1280x960 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1024x768 fps=15 max s=1024x768 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1024x768 fps=15 max s=1024x768 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=640x480 fps=15 max s=640x480 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=640x480 fps=15 max s=640x480 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x1024 fps=15 max s=1280x1024 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x1024 fps=15 max s=1280x1024 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x800 fps=15 max s=1280x800 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   vcodec=mjpeg  min s=1280x800 fps=15 max s=1280x800 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=640x480 fps=15 max s=640x480 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=640x480 fps=15 max s=640x480 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=640x360 fps=15 max s=640x360 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=640x360 fps=15 max s=640x360 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=320x240 fps=15 max s=320x240 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=320x240 fps=15 max s=320x240 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=320x180 fps=15 max s=320x180 fps=30

[dshow @ 0000016c508c8dc0]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=320x180 fps=15 max s=320x180 fps=30

标签: electronusbvideo-streamingresolution

