首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在不使用 biopython 的情况下编写脚本来汇总多 fasta 文件中的信息?


我有一个生物信息学类的任务,它要求一个 python 脚本对一个包含多个蛋白质序列的 FASTA 文件执行以下操作:



- 打印前 10 个氨基酸并在同一行上,报告序列中的氨基酸数量

经过几个小时的尝试,我只设法为第一个序列打印了标题行和前 10 个氨基酸。我编写的 for 循环似乎并没有超出此范围(如果这是垃圾,请道歉,我是一个完整的初学者!)

input_file = open(input("\nPlease enter the name of a FASTA file (inlcuding the .fasta extension): "))
# Opens the file specified by the user
for line in input_file:
    line = line.rstrip()
    if line[0] == ">":
        header = line
        print("\nHeader:", header)  # prints the header line
        no_lines_searched = 0  # To stop loop after first line of sequence when printing first 10 AAs
        for i in input_file:
            if ">" not in i and no_lines_searched < 1:
                print("First ten amino acid residues: ", i[0:10], "# Amino acids: ")  # Prints the first 10 AAs
                no_lines_searched = no_lines_searched+1  # To stop loop after first line of sequence

我试图变得聪明并设计第二个循环,使其返回序列的前 10 个氨基酸,然后停止,直到遇到另一个序列(用“>”表示)。



Header: >sp|P03378|ENV_HV1A2 Envelope glycoprotein gp160 OS=Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M subtype B (isolate ARV2/SF2) GN=env PE=3 SV=1
First ten amino acid residues:  MKVKGTRRNY # Amino acids:


标签: pythonfasta



#!/usr/bin/env python3
seq = ""  # seq is a variable used to store each line of sequence data as the loop below iterates.

ten_AAs = ''  # ten_AAs is a variable used to store the first ten amino acids of each sequence (it actually stores
# the first 10 AAs from each line of the sequence, but only the first 10 residues of each sequence are printed).

seq_count = 0  # seq_count is a variable used to track the total number of sequences in the file.

infile = input("\nPlease enter the name of a FASTA file (including the .fasta extension): ")
# Stores the file specified by the user in the variable, infile.

with open(infile, "r") as fasta:  # Opens the above file such that we do not need to call filename.close() at the end.
    for line in fasta:  # Initiates a for loop to summarise the file: headers, first ten residues and sequence lengths.
        line = line.rstrip()  # Removes trailing newline characters.
        if line[0] == ">":  # Indicates the start of a new FASTA sequence and is a condition for printing summary data
            if seq != "":  # Second condition for printing summary data (see lines 28-30).
                print("Header: {0}\nFirst ten amino acids: {1} \tSequence length: {2} residues\n"
                      .format(header, ten_AAs[0:10], len(seq)))  # Placeholders for summary info.
            seq_count += 1  # Increases seq_count by one for each header encountered.
            header = line  # Stores the header line for printing.
            seq = ""  # Resets seq for each iteration.
            ten_AAs = ''  # Resets ten_AAs for each iteration.
            seq += line[:]  # Appends seq with the characters of the line if it is not a header (i.e. sequence data).
            ten_AAs += line[0:10]  # Appends ten_AAs with the first ten characters of the line if it is not a header.

# After reading all lines of one sequence, the loop encounters the next FASTA sequence, starting with a ">" character,
# but 'seq' is not blank. Therefore, both 'if' statements are now TRUE and all summary data for the first sequence
# (stored in 'header', 'ten_AAs' and 'seq') are printed as per lines 18-19.

print("Header: {0}\nFirst ten amino acids: {1} \tSequence length: {2} residues"
      .format(header, ten_AAs[0:10], len(seq)))
# The final sequence is not followed by another accession number; therefore, the summary data for the final sequence
# must be printed manually, outside of the loop.

print("\nThis multi-FASTA file contains", str(seq_count), "sequences.")
# For completeness' sake, reports the number of sequences in the multi-FASTA file.


Please enter the name of a FASTA file (including the .fasta extension): multiprotein.fasta

Header: >1433G_HUMAN (P61981) 14-3-3 protein gamma (Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1) (KCIP-1) [Homo sapiens]
First ten amino acids: VDREQLVQKA       Sequence length: 246 residues

Header: >ATP8_RAT (P11608) ATP synthase protein 8 (EC (ATPase subunit 8) (A6L) (Chargerin II) [Rattus norvegicus]
First ten amino acids: MPQLDTSTWF       Sequence length: 67 residues

Header: >ALR_LISIN (Q92DC9) Alanine racemase (EC
First ten amino acids: MVTGWHRPTW       Sequence length: 368 residues

Header: >CDCA4_HUMAN (Q9BXL8) Cell division cycle-associated protein 4 (Hematopoietic progenitor protein) [Homo sapiens]
First ten amino acids: MFARGLKRKC       Sequence length: 241 residues

This multi-FASTA file contains 4 sequences.
