首页 > 解决方案 > How to stop the grid from loading


I have a ADF jsff page which contains a af:inlineFrame this frame invokes slickGrid, on save i validate the grid cells and error message is displayed by showing an alert message. Once i click on ok, i expect the grid to stay as it is but the grid gets loaded again. After displaying the alert message i have tried window.frames[0].stop(); but this didnt help


<af:inlineFrame id="slickFrame" 
                                sizing="preferred" shortDesc="Slick Grid">
                    <af:serverListener type="onLoadEvt" method="#{pageFlowScope.myBean.initializeGrid}" />
                    <af:clientListener method="triggerOnLoad" type="inlineFrameLoad"/>

on click of Save

function save() {
// Parse through the dirtied cells
  for(d in dirtyCells)
     var dirtiedRow = dirtyCells[d].row;
     failures = //Gets the failure array
          alert("Mandatory fields are not entered");                               
          grid.gotoCell(dirtyCells[d].row, dirtyCells[d].cell); 
        // This is to set the focus on the errored cells
            //Continue with the save operation

Please let me know how to stop the grid from getting loaded. I want the loading to stop so that the user selected options are seen as errored.

标签: javascriptoracle-adfslickgrid


我找到了一种阻止网格加载的方法在 Jsff javascript 函数中添加事件参数在此方法的末尾添加 event.cancel(),这将取消新事件的传播更多详细信息在这里 https://docs.oracle .com/cd/E16764_01/web.1111/b31973/af_event.htm
