首页 > 解决方案 > BigInt 乘法和减法错误


我的任务是我必须创建一个可以处理最长 256 个字符的大整数的计算器。我遇到了错误,无法将某些减法数字如何工作(例如 23456 - 13141= 10315)进行倍数以及奇怪的问题,但是任何其他减法(例如 6 - 5)都不起作用。我很困惑为什么会这样。


#include <iostream>   
#include <string> 
#include "Bigint.h" 

using namespace std; 

    for (int i = DIGITS-1; i >= 0; --i) {
        digits_[i] = 0;
    radix = 10;

Bigint::Bigint(int r)  
    for (int i = DIGITS-1; i >= 0; --i) {
        digits_[i] = 0;
    radix = r;

ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Bigint& n) 
    string s = "";
    int leadingZeros = 0;

    for (int i = DIGITS-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { 

        if(n.digits_[i] != 0){      
            leadingZeros = 1;

        if(leadingZeros == 1){
            s += char(n.digits_[i] + '0'); 
    return out << s;

istream& operator>> (istream& in, Bigint& n)

    string s;
    if (in >> s) {

        int length = s.length(); 
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < DIGITS && i < length; ++i) {
            n.digits_[i] = int(s[length-1 - i] - '0'); 
    return in;

Bigint operator+ (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2)
    Bigint add;
    int carry = 0, sum = 0;

    for(int i=0; i < DIGITS; ++i){ 
        sum = n1.digits_[i] + n2.digits_[i] + carry; 
        add.digits_[i] = sum % 10;
        carry = sum / 10;
    return add;

Bigint operator- (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2) 
    Bigint sub;
    int carry = 0; 
    for (int i=0; i< DIGITS; i++) 

        int val = n1.digits_[i] - n2.digits_[i] -carry;  

        if (val < 0) 
            val += 10; 
            carry = 1; 
            carry = 0; 

        sub.digits_[i] = val;
    return sub;

Bigint Bigint :: multiplyBigint(const Bigint& num, const int n, int count){ 

    Bigint result;
    int carry =0;

    for(int i=0; i< DIGITS; ++i){
        int val = (num.digits_[i] * n) + carry;
        result.digits_[i+count] = val % 10;
        carry = val / 10; 

    return result;

Bigint operator* (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2)
    Bigint multiply;
    Bigint temp;

    int count =0;

    for(int i=0; i< DIGITS; ++i){
        temp = Bigint :: multiplyBigint(n1, n2.digits_[i], count);
        multiply = multiply + temp;

    return multiply;

Bigint operator/ (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2)
    Bigint divide;
    Bigint temp = n1;

    while(temp > n2){
        divide = divide + 1;
        temp = temp - n2;

    return divide; 

Bigint operator+ (const Bigint& n1, int n2)
    Bigint add;
    int carry = 0, sum = 0;

    for(int i=0; i < DIGITS; ++i){
        sum = n1.digits_[i] + (n2 % 10) + carry;
        n2 = n2 / 10;
        add.digits_[i] = sum % 10;
        carry = sum / 10;
    return add;

bool operator> (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2){

    for(int i= DIGITS - 1; i >= 0; --i){
        if(n1.digits_[i] > n2.digits_[i])
            return true;
    return false;


#ifndef BIGINT_H_ //This checks to whether the given token has been defined somewhere else in the file.
#define BIGINT_H_

#define DIGITS 256 //increases the array size to 256 digits.

class Bigint
  public: // this makes the members of the public accessible from anywhere in the project.

     * Creates a Bigint initialised to 0.
    Bigint(int r);

     * Inserts n into stream or extracts n from stream.
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Bigint& n);
    friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, Bigint& n);

     * Returns the sum, difference, product, or quotient of n1 and n2 and compares them.
    friend Bigint operator+ (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2);
    friend Bigint operator- (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2);
    friend Bigint operator* (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2);
    friend Bigint operator/ (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2);

    friend Bigint operator+ (const Bigint& n1, int n2);
    friend bool operator> (const Bigint& n1, const Bigint& n2);

  private: //making this only accessible within other members of this same class.
    int digits_[DIGITS];
    int radix;
    static Bigint multiplyBigint(const Bigint& num, const int n, int count);

#endif // BIGINT_H_


#include <iostream> //provides basic input and output services such as char.
#include "Bigint.h" //provides access and link to header file.

using namespace std;

int findRadix(string value){ //uses the Radix sort alogrithm to sort each value.

    if(value.length() == 3){
        if(value[0] == '-' && value[1] == 'r'){
            if(value[2] >= '2' && value[2] <= '9')
                return value[2] - '0';
            else if(value[2] >= 'A' && value[2] <= 'Z')
                return (value[2] - 'A') + 10;

    return 10;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    int radix;

    if(argc ==2){
        radix = findRadix(argv[1]);

    Bigint n1(radix), n2(radix); //This compares n1 and n2 to each other to give a result.
    char op;

    while (cin >> n1 >> op >> n2) {
        switch (op) {
        case '+' :
            cout << n1 + n2 << endl;
        case '-' :
            cout << n1 - n2 << endl;
        case '*' :
            cout << n1 * n2 << endl;
        case '/' :
            cout << n1 / n2 << endl;

    return 0;

标签: c++arrayselementdigits





void Bigint::clear()
    for (int i = DIGITS-1; i >= 0; --i)
        digits_[i] = 0;


Bigint::Bigint(int radix = 10) : radix{radix}


istream& operator>> (istream& in, Bigint& n)
    clear(); //This is the important one!!!!

    string s;
    if (in >> s) {


  • 您可以将成员添加int length;到您的班级。您在输入运算符中已经有了这个长度,您只需要保留它并在所有计算中使用它。

  • 更好的是,将您的更改digits_std::vector<int> digits_;. 这将允许您摆脱该clear函数,从而使您的构造函数为空(仅使用成员初始化)。您只需要digits_.clear();在输入运算符的开头调用即可。并使用digits_.push_back(...);而不是摆弄索引。


Bigint::Bigint(std::string s, int radix = 10) : radix{radix}
    const int length = s.length();
    for (int i = 0; (i < DIGITS) && (i < length); ++i)
        n.digits_[i] = int(s[length()-1 - i] - '0');


void main(...)

    char op;
    std::string s1, s2;

    while (cin >> s1 >> op >> s2)
        Bigint n1 {s1, radix};
        Bigint n2 {s2, radix};

        switch (op) {


我强烈考虑digits_std::vector<int>. 这将具有接受任何大小的数字的好处,因为向量可以根据需要增长。这也将使您的字符串到整数的转换代码更简单。并且使您的乘法更简单,因为您可以通过简单的操作轻松地在向量的末尾和开头附加零。并且会避免很多其他错误。只需将其更改为std::vector<int>!;-)

另外,请注意这using namespace std;是不好的做法:Why is "using namespace std;" 被认为是不好的做法?
