首页 > 解决方案 > C - 写入文件的字符出现次数


我正在编写一个编码函数,它从源文件中获取文件描述符,并将 FILE* 作为目标文件。如果输入文件有这个:AABBBcccc那么我应该写2A3B4c在输出文件中。(相同连续字符的编号)。我设法做到了这一点,但我唯一的问题是第一个字母的出现次数得到了 +1 ......所以我会得到 : 3A3B4c。该函数返回在 outt 中写入的字符总数。

int encode_aux(int fd1, char *buffer, FILE *outt)                               
    size_t c = read(fd1, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);                           
    char previous;  //to check if the next character is the same                                                            
    int count = 0;  //number of occurence of the same character                                                             
    int total = 0;  //total number of chars written in the output file                                                            
    while (c != 0)                                                              
        for (size_t i = 0; i < c; i++)                                          
            if (count == 0)                                                     
                previous = buffer[i];                                           
                count += 1;                                                     
            if (count != 0)                                                     
                if (previous == buffer[i])                                      
                    count += 1;                                                 
                    if (i == 0)                                                 
                        count -= 1;                                             
                    if (count != 1)                                             
                        total += fprintf(outt, "%d", count);                    
                    total += fprintf(outt, "%c", previous);                     
                    previous = buffer[i];                                       
                    count = 1;                                                  
        buffer[c] = '\0';                                                       
        c = read(fd1, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);                              
    return total;                                                               

int encode(const char *file_in, const char *file_out)                       
    FILE *out = fopen(file_out, "w");                                           
    char buff[4096];                                                            
    int fd = open(file_in, O_RDONLY);                                           
    if (fd == -1 || out == NULL)                                                
        return -1;                                                              
    int tot = encode_aux(fd, buff, out);                                        
    if (close(fd) == -1 || fclose(out) != 0)                                    
        return -1;                                                              
    return tot;                                                                 

标签: cstringfileencodingchar


        if (count == 0)                                                     
            previous = buffer[i];                                           
            count += 1;                                                     
        if (count != 0)                                                     
            if (previous == buffer[i])                                      
                count += 1;                                                 

那时。count == 0_ count = 1然后你检查count != 0,因为你刚刚做了count += 1,因为count是 0。然后if (previous == buffer[i]),这也将永远是真的,因为你只是先做了previous = buffer[i]int he if。然后你再次增加计数。


        if (count == 0)                                                     
            previous = buffer[i];                                           
            count += 1;                                                     
        } else                                                      
        if (count != 0)                                                     
            if (previous == buffer[i])                                      
                count += 1;                                                 


  • 我认为您正在fgetsread电话混在一起。buffer[c] = '\0';不需要,调用read只是从文件描述符中读取字节,无论它们是什么,如果c对 来说太错误buffer,它将是越界访问。
  • 您没有打印文件最后一个字符的计数。碰巧的是,您的文件以换行符结尾 -previous在最后一次执行循环时设置为换行符。如果您的文件不以 w 换行符结尾,则不会打印最后一个字符的计数。
