首页 > 解决方案 > 从 R 中的列表中打印出具有不同嵌套级别的项目


我在 R 中有一个列表,其结构与 dput 输出中的结构相同。


structure(list(name = c("\\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}", 
"\\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}", 
"\\text{Scientific enquiry}", "\\text{Polska w okresie rozbicia dzielnicowego.}"
), index = c(26L, 39L, 0L, 5L), learningFactorType = c("LEARNING_OBJECTIVE", 
), childFactors = list(structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"), 
    structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"), 
    structure(list(`_id` = list(structure(as.raw(c(0xee, 0x41, 
    0x32, 0x09, 0x81, 0x82, 0xf4, 0xac, 0x27, 0x49, 0xc2, 0x0b, 
    0x70, 0x65, 0x05, 0x89)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0xdc, 
    0x46, 0xaf, 0x85, 0x60, 0x2b, 0x6a, 0x04, 0x15, 0x48, 0x7c, 
    0xa5, 0xd0, 0xbc, 0x27, 0x8b)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x76, 
    0x4a, 0x90, 0xc0, 0x90, 0xc6, 0xf1, 0x76, 0x18, 0x51, 0x13, 
    0xc1, 0xae, 0xa1, 0x03, 0x84)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0xec, 
    0x42, 0x98, 0x7a, 0xd4, 0x16, 0x23, 0x3f, 0x43, 0xfd, 0x36, 
    0x5d, 0xa1, 0x4a, 0xcd, 0xa8)), type = as.raw(0x03))), name = c("\\text{ Ideas and evidence}", 
    "\\text{Plan investigative work}", "\\text{Obtain and present evidence}", 
    "\\text{ Consider evidence and approach}"), index = 0:3, 
        childFactors = list(structure(list(`_id` = list(structure(as.raw(c(0xee, 
        0x49, 0x92, 0x4f, 0xe2, 0x10, 0xb8, 0x33, 0x6f, 0xbe, 
        0xd2, 0x9f, 0x46, 0x82, 0x36, 0x9d)), type = as.raw(0x03)), 
            structure(as.raw(c(0xa2, 0x4e, 0x9c, 0x07, 0x44, 
            0x1b, 0x7b, 0x44, 0xa3, 0x03, 0xe9, 0x22, 0x69, 0xaf, 
            0x5b, 0x85)), type = as.raw(0x03))), name = c("\\text{Collect evidence in a variety of contexts (4Ep1)}", 
        "\\text{Test an idea or prediction based on scientific knowledge and understanding (4Ep2)}"
        ), index = 0:1, childFactors = list(list(), list()), 
            exerciseIdList = list(list(), list()), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                list(), list()), linkedSourceList = list(structure(list(
                publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193), 
                categoryId = c(22610, 22610, 22610, 22612, 22614, 
                22614), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 
                1001), subcategoryIdList = list(22618, 22619, 
                  22620, 22628, 22631, 22634), exerciseIdList = list(
                  c(281313, 281322, 281439, 281442), c(281310, 
                  281312, 281437), c(281307, 281324), c(325294, 
                  325296, 325380, 325394, 325448, 325473, 325516
                  ), c(328850, 328851, 328853, 328856, 328861, 
                  328869, 328870, 328871), c(328854, 335329)), 
                knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list(), list(), 
                  list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            6L)), structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193), categoryId = c(22614, 
            22614), levelId = c(1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(
                22632, 22633), exerciseIdList = list(c(328852, 
            335327), c(328865, 335324)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:2))), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1:2), 
            structure(list(`_id` = list(structure(as.raw(c(0x43, 
            0x46, 0xbd, 0xa0, 0x8f, 0xf6, 0x37, 0xad, 0x48, 0x37, 
            0xeb, 0x2f, 0x6f, 0xfe, 0x34, 0xb4)), type = as.raw(0x03)), 
                structure(as.raw(c(0xca, 0x4b, 0x33, 0x04, 0x0b, 
                0x2f, 0x1d, 0x75, 0xc6, 0x84, 0xaa, 0xff, 0xfb, 
                0x4c, 0x95, 0xa8)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0xcc, 
                0x45, 0xa4, 0xec, 0x0a, 0xb1, 0x5a, 0x02, 0x29, 
                0xf2, 0x58, 0x21, 0x58, 0x29, 0xab, 0x8a)), type = as.raw(0x03))), 
                name = c("\\text{Suggest questions that can be tested and make predictions; \ncommunicate these (4Ep3)}", 
                "\\text{Design a fair test and plan how to collect sufficient evidence (4Ep4)}", 
                "\\text{Choose apparatus and decide what to measure (4Ep5)}"
                ), index = 0:2, childFactors = list(list(), list(), 
                  list()), exerciseIdList = list(list(), list(), 
                  list()), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list(), 
                  list(), list()), linkedSourceList = list(structure(list(
                  publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 193), categoryId = c(22611, 
                  22611, 22615, 22615), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 
                  1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(22624, 
                    22625, 22635, 22637), exerciseIdList = list(
                    c(325414, 325415, 325420, 325433), c(325416, 
                    325417, 325418, 325419, 325423, 325427, 325430, 
                    325434, 334617, 334647, 334658), c(328887, 
                    328891), c(328895, 328898, 328904)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                    list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
                4L)), structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"), 
                  structure(list(publisherId = 193, categoryId = 22611, 
                    levelId = 1001, subcategoryIdList = list(
                      22625), exerciseIdList = list(c(325416, 
                    325417, 325418, 325419, 325423, 325427, 325430, 
                    325434, 334617, 334647, 334658)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                      list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            3L)), structure(list(`_id` = list(structure(as.raw(c(0xf1, 
            0x41, 0xd0, 0xff, 0x4c, 0xaf, 0x1a, 0x7c, 0x8f, 0x4e, 
            0x8a, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xd2, 0x87, 0xa7)), type = as.raw(0x03)), 
                structure(as.raw(c(0x7f, 0x42, 0xce, 0xf2, 0x3f, 
                0xe4, 0xc3, 0x9f, 0xb7, 0x17, 0x52, 0xfe, 0xb3, 
                0x8a, 0xc9, 0x89)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x77, 
                0x49, 0xcc, 0x51, 0xb0, 0x85, 0x03, 0xf5, 0x72, 
                0xeb, 0x2f, 0xe5, 0x6e, 0x32, 0x53, 0x8b)), type = as.raw(0x03)), 
                structure(as.raw(c(0xe1, 0x40, 0x24, 0xb9, 0x1e, 
                0x32, 0xbe, 0xca, 0x33, 0x5e, 0x9e, 0x3d, 0xd0, 
                0x2f, 0x1a, 0x87)), type = as.raw(0x03))), name = c("\\text{Make relevant observations and comparisons in a variety of \ncontexts (4Eo1)}", 
            "\\text{Measure temperature, time, force and length (4Eo2)}", 
            "\\text{Begin to think about the need for repeated measurements of, \nfor example, length (4Eo3)}", 
            "\\text{Present results in drawings, bar charts and tables (4Eo4)}"
            ), index = 0:3, childFactors = list(list(), list(), 
                list(), list()), exerciseIdList = list(list(), 
                list(), list(), list()), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                list(), list(), list(), list()), linkedSourceList = list(
                structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 
                193, 193), categoryId = c(22610, 22610, 22610, 
                22612, 22614), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 1001, 
                1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(22619, 
                  22620, 22621, 22628, 22631), exerciseIdList = list(
                  c(281310, 281312, 281437), c(281307, 281324
                  ), c(281308, 281326), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 
                  325394, 325448, 325473, 325516), c(328850, 
                  328851, 328853, 328856, 328861, 328869, 328870, 
                  328871)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list(), 
                  list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
                5L)), structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"), 
                structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"), 
                structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            4L)), structure(list(`_id` = list(structure(as.raw(c(0xc1, 
            0x41, 0x64, 0x24, 0x4d, 0x96, 0x1d, 0xc5, 0x4b, 0x18, 
            0x9f, 0xc3, 0xe2, 0xfe, 0x82, 0xb9)), type = as.raw(0x03)), 
                structure(as.raw(c(0x8a, 0x44, 0x8a, 0x41, 0xed, 
                0x1d, 0x70, 0xdc, 0x81, 0x96, 0x29, 0x0a, 0x49, 
                0xe8, 0x73, 0xa3)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x9d, 
                0x4a, 0x23, 0x7c, 0x2a, 0x57, 0x55, 0x31, 0xca, 
                0xd4, 0x17, 0xff, 0x32, 0x9b, 0xfa, 0x9c)), type = as.raw(0x03))), 
                name = c("\\text{Identify simple trends and patterns in results and suggest \nexplanations for some of these (4Eo5)}", 
                "\\text{Explain what the evidence shows and whether it supports \npredictions.  Communicate this clearly to others (4Eo6)}", 
                "\\text{Link evidence to scientific knowledge and understanding in \nsome contexts (4Eo7)}"
                ), index = 0:2, childFactors = list(list(), list(), 
                  list()), exerciseIdList = list(list(), list(), 
                  list()), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list(), 
                  list(), list()), linkedSourceList = list(structure(list(
                  publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 193), categoryId = c(22611, 
                  22614, 22614, 22615), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 
                  1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(22625, 
                    22632, 22633, 22636), exerciseIdList = list(
                    c(325416, 325417, 325418, 325419, 325423, 
                    325427, 325430, 325434, 334617, 334647, 334658
                    ), c(328852, 335327), c(328865, 335324), 
                    c(328886, 328888, 328903)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                    list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
                4L)), structure(list(publisherId = 193, categoryId = 22615, 
                  levelId = 1001, subcategoryIdList = list(22637), 
                  exerciseIdList = list(c(328895, 328898, 328904
                  )), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L), 
                  structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193
                  ), categoryId = c(22612, 22614, 22614), levelId = c(1001, 
                  1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(22628, 
                    22633, 22634), exerciseIdList = list(c(325294, 
                  325296, 325380, 325394, 325448, 325473, 325516
                  ), c(328865, 335324), c(328854, 335329)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                    list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
                  3L)))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            3L))), exerciseIdList = list(list(), list(), list(), 
            list()), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list(), 
            list(), list(), list()), linkedSourceList = list(
            structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 193, 
            193, 193, 193, 193), categoryId = c(22610, 22610, 
            22610, 22612, 22614, 22614, 22614, 22614), levelId = c(1001, 
            1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(
                22618, 22619, 22620, 22628, 22631, 22634, 22632, 
                22633), exerciseIdList = list(c(281313, 281322, 
            281439, 281442), c(281310, 281312, 281437), c(281307, 
            281324), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 325394, 325448, 
            325473, 325516), c(328850, 328851, 328853, 328856, 
            328861, 328869, 328870, 328871), c(328854, 335329
            ), c(328852, 335327), c(328865, 335324)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), 
                list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            8L)), structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 
            193, 193), categoryId = c(22611, 22611, 22615, 22615, 
            22611), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001), 
                subcategoryIdList = list(22624, 22625, 22635, 
                  22637, 22625), exerciseIdList = list(c(325414, 
                325415, 325420, 325433), c(325416, 325417, 325418, 
                325419, 325423, 325427, 325430, 325434, 334617, 
                334647, 334658), c(328887, 328891), c(328895, 
                328898, 328904), c(325416, 325417, 325418, 325419, 
                325423, 325427, 325430, 325434, 334617, 334647, 
                334658)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list(), 
                  list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            5L)), structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 
            193, 193), categoryId = c(22610, 22610, 22610, 22612, 
            22614), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001), 
                subcategoryIdList = list(22619, 22620, 22621, 
                  22628, 22631), exerciseIdList = list(c(281310, 
                281312, 281437), c(281307, 281324), c(281308, 
                281326), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 325394, 325448, 
                325473, 325516), c(328850, 328851, 328853, 328856, 
                328861, 328869, 328870, 328871)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                  list(), list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            5L)), structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 
            193, 193, 193, 193, 193), categoryId = c(22611, 22614, 
            22614, 22615, 22615, 22612, 22614, 22614), levelId = c(1001, 
            1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(
                22625, 22632, 22633, 22636, 22637, 22628, 22633, 
                22634), exerciseIdList = list(c(325416, 325417, 
            325418, 325419, 325423, 325427, 325430, 325434, 334617, 
            334647, 334658), c(328852, 335327), c(328865, 335324
            ), c(328886, 328888, 328903), c(328895, 328898, 328904
            ), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 325394, 325448, 325473, 
            325516), c(328865, 335324), c(328854, 335329)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
                list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), 
                list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
            8L)))), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 4L
    )), structure(list(`_id` = list(structure(as.raw(c(0x76, 
    0x4f, 0x14, 0xee, 0xb1, 0x19, 0x89, 0xcd, 0x04, 0xd3, 0x44, 
    0x33, 0xa9, 0x1a, 0x6a, 0xbc)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x3d, 
    0x4d, 0x57, 0x27, 0x96, 0x1a, 0x86, 0xc0, 0xf4, 0x27, 0x5b, 
    0x2d, 0x19, 0x32, 0xd2, 0x86)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x44, 
    0x47, 0xac, 0x85, 0x90, 0x69, 0x04, 0x27, 0x68, 0x4d, 0x12, 
    0x1a, 0x79, 0xfd, 0x76, 0xa6)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x4f, 
    0x49, 0x90, 0xd5, 0x40, 0x9c, 0x66, 0xe5, 0x76, 0x22, 0x05, 
    0x7a, 0xaf, 0xd2, 0x95, 0xac)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x8c, 
    0x45, 0xfa, 0x87, 0xc8, 0x74, 0x08, 0xaf, 0xba, 0x3e, 0xb1, 
    0x22, 0xb4, 0x91, 0xa0, 0xa1)), type = as.raw(0x03))), name = c("\\text{Umieszczanie w czasie i przestrzeni Polski okresu rozbicia dzielnicowego.}", 
    "\\text{Opisywanie przyczyn oraz wskazywanie skutków rozbicia dzielnicowego.}", 
    "\\text{Umieszczanie w czasie najważniejszych wydarzeń związanych z relacjami polsko-krzyżackimi oraz zagrożeniem najazdami tatarskimi w okresie rozbicia dzielnicowego.}", 
    "\\text{Opisywanie przemiany społecznej i gospodarczej, z uwzględnieniem ruchu osadniczego.}", 
    "\\text{Charakteryzowanie procesu zjednoczenia państwa polskiego na przełomie XIII i XIV wieku, wskazując na rolę władców piastowskich (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli Władysława Łokietka) oraz Kościoła.}"
    ), index = 0:4, childFactors = list(list(), list(), list(), 
        list(), list()), exerciseIdList = list(list(), list(), 
        list(), list(), list()), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
        list(), list(), list(), list(), list()), linkedSourceList = list(
        list(), list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
    5L))), exerciseIdList = list(list(), list(), list(), list()), 
    levelIdSet = list(462, 459, 1001, c(34, 857, 877)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
        list(), list(), list(), list()), subjectId = c(49, 49, 
    357, 9), linkedSourceList = list(structure(list(publisherId = 111, 
        categoryId = 42281, levelId = 462, subcategoryIdList = list(
            42284), exerciseIdList = list(c(495048, 495047, 495043, 
        495044, 495045, 495046, 495049, 495050)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
            list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L), 
        structure(list(publisherId = 111, categoryId = 41394, 
            levelId = 459, subcategoryIdList = list(41395), exerciseIdList = list(
                c(473272, 473270, 473269, 473262, 473261, 465453, 
                465452)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = 1L), 
        structure(list(publisherId = c(193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 
        193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 
        193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193, 193), categoryId = c(22610, 
        22610, 22610, 22612, 22614, 22614, 22614, 22614, 22611, 
        22611, 22615, 22615, 22611, 22610, 22610, 22610, 22612, 
        22614, 22611, 22614, 22614, 22615, 22615, 22612, 22614, 
        22614), levelId = c(1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 
        1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 
        1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1001, 
        1001, 1001), subcategoryIdList = list(22618, 22619, 22620, 
            22628, 22631, 22634, 22632, 22633, 22624, 22625, 
            22635, 22637, 22625, 22619, 22620, 22621, 22628, 
            22631, 22625, 22632, 22633, 22636, 22637, 22628, 
            22633, 22634), exerciseIdList = list(c(281313, 281322, 
        281439, 281442), c(281310, 281312, 281437), c(281307, 
        281324), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 325394, 325448, 325473, 
        325516), c(328850, 328851, 328853, 328856, 328861, 328869, 
        328870, 328871), c(328854, 335329), c(328852, 335327), 
            c(328865, 335324), c(325414, 325415, 325420, 325433
            ), c(325416, 325417, 325418, 325419, 325423, 325427, 
            325430, 325434, 334617, 334647, 334658), c(328887, 
            328891), c(328895, 328898, 328904), c(325416, 325417, 
            325418, 325419, 325423, 325427, 325430, 325434, 334617, 
            334647, 334658), c(281310, 281312, 281437), c(281307, 
            281324), c(281308, 281326), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 
            325394, 325448, 325473, 325516), c(328850, 328851, 
            328853, 328856, 328861, 328869, 328870, 328871), 
            c(325416, 325417, 325418, 325419, 325423, 325427, 
            325430, 325434, 334617, 334647, 334658), c(328852, 
            335327), c(328865, 335324), c(328886, 328888, 328903
            ), c(328895, 328898, 328904), c(325294, 325296, 325380, 
            325394, 325448, 325473, 325516), c(328865, 335324
            ), c(328854, 335329)), knowledgeBaseEntryIdList = list(
            list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), 
            list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), 
            list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), list(), 
            list(), list(), list(), list(), list())), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
        26L)), structure(list(), .Names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame")), 
    treeId = list(structure(as.raw(c(0xa6, 0x48, 0x30, 0x23, 
    0xe1, 0xce, 0xc1, 0x0e, 0x4d, 0x56, 0xe0, 0xc6, 0x6d, 0x71, 
    0x51, 0x96)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x27, 
    0x4d, 0xc2, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0xcb, 0x8b, 0x82, 0x2f, 0x20, 0x25, 
    0x72, 0x33, 0x14, 0xee, 0xb7)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0x7d, 
    0x49, 0x2a, 0xf1, 0x7f, 0xde, 0xff, 0x2a, 0x37, 0x11, 0x33, 
    0x09, 0xaa, 0xa4, 0xd9, 0x87)), type = as.raw(0x03)), structure(as.raw(c(0xbb, 
    0x46, 0x98, 0x1b, 0xa8, 0x19, 0xeb, 0x30, 0x1b, 0x35, 0xf6, 
    0x22, 0x0f, 0xb2, 0x4c, 0x99)), type = as.raw(0x03))), version = c(111, 
    123, 104, 224), indexAlias = c(NA_character_, NA_character_, 
    NA_character_, NA_character_)), row.names = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 
8L), class = "data.frame")

我想打印出子列表的每个名称 li[[1]] 以及带有练习 ID 的第五项子子列表 li[[9]][[5]]。

purrr包允许我简单地抓取 li[[9]] 的元素,但我不确定如何在上面的相关列表中映射名称 li[[1]]。

df_ex_id <- as.data.frame(unlist(map(ex.id,5)))

我尝试使用 for 函数:

name_exid <- for (i in li$name) {
print(li$name) + print(li$exerciseIdList[[1]])  


我想要实现的结果是我有一个带有名称的列 A 和一个带有 ex.ids 的列 B

标签: rlistfor-looppurrr


考虑基本 R Map(包装器mapply)在您需要的项目之间逐元素迭代以绑定到列表或数据框。此外,sapply可以帮助在li[[9]].

extract_list <- Map(function(nm, id, ex) list(name=nm, index=id, excerciseIdList=ex),
                    sapply(li[[9]], `[[`, "exerciseIdList"), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

# [[1]]
# [[1]]$name
# [1] "\\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}"
# [[1]]$index
# [1] 26
# [[1]]$excerciseIdList
# [1] 495048 495047 495043 495044 495045 495046 495049 495050
# [[2]]
# [[2]]$name
# [1] "\\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}"
# [[2]]$index
# [1] 39
# [[2]]$excerciseIdList
# [1] 473272 473270 473269 473262 473261 465453 465452


df_list <- Map(function(nm, id, ex) data.frame(name=nm, index=id, excerciseIdList=ex,
                                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
               sapply(li[[9]], `[[`, "exerciseIdList"))

final_df <- do.call(rbind, unname(df_list))

#                                                                                        name index excerciseIdList
# 1            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495048
# 2            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495047
# 3            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495043
# 4            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495044
# 5            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495045
# 6            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495046
# 7            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495049
# 8            \\text{Students are able to identify relationship between l (or ml) and cm³\n}    26          495050
# 9  \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          473272
# 10 \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          473270
# 11 \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          473269
# 12 \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          473262
# 13 \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          473261
# 14 \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          465453
# 15 \\text{Students are able to write down the notation and representations of fractions \n}    39          465452
