首页 > 解决方案 > PostgreSQL 中用于表格报告的内部选择的 SQL 性能问题


使用 PostgreSQL 数据库:

我有一个调查应用程序,用户可以在其中输入活动并回答有关他们活动的问题。调查本身被称为RECALLS_T,输入的事件是EVENTS_T,答案是ANSWERS_T。答案用于提供的活动问题,存储在 中ACTIVITY_QUESTIONS_T,由 Lookup ( LOOKUP_T) 映射。

然后我需要运行一个基于事件的报告,其中每一行都是EVENTS_T每次召回的事件(所有事件合并为所有召回)。但是,该报告中的某些列需要指示某些答案的值,否则这些单元格为 NULL。所以这是一份表格报告


RecallID | RecallDate | Event |..| WalkAlone | WalkWithPartner |..| ExerciseAtGym
256      | 10-01-19   | Exrcs |..| NULL      | NULL            |..| yes
256      | 10-01-19   | Walk  |..| yes       | NULL            |..| NULL
256      | 10-01-19   | Eat   |..| NULL      | NULL            |..| NULL
257      | 10-01-19   | Exrcs |..| NULL      | NULL            |..| yes

我的 SQL 对基于答案的列表列有内部选择,如下所示:

-- Easy flat stuff first
r.id as recallid, r.recall_date as recalldate, ... ,

-- Example of Tabulated Columns:
(select l.description from answers_t ans, activity_questions_t aq, lookup_t l 
where l.id=aq.answer_choice_id and aq.question_id=13 
and aq.id=ans.activity_question_id and aq.activity_id=27 and ans.event_id=e.id) 
     as transportationotherintensity,
(select l.description from answers_t ans, activity_questions_t aq, lookup_t l
where l.id=66 and l.id=aq.answer_choice_id and aq.question_id=14
and aq.id=ans.activity_question_id and ans.event_id=e.id) 
     as commutework,
(select l.description from answers_t ans, activity_questions_t aq, lookup_t l
where l.id=67 and l.id=aq.answer_choice_id and aq.question_id=14 and aq.id=ans.activity_question_id and ans.event_id=e.id) 
     as commuteschool,
(select l.description from answers_t ans, activity_questions_t aq, lookup_t l
where l.id=95 and l.id=aq.answer_choice_id and aq.question_id=14 and aq.id=ans.activity_question_id and ans.event_id=e.id) 
     as dropoffpickup,

SQL 工作并且报告被渲染,但是性能很差。我验证了它的比例很糟糕:没有可以修复它的特定项目的灵丹妙药。每个内部选择都会导致糟糕的表现。1,000 行的结果集需要 15 秒,但不应超过 2-3 秒。



标签: sqlpostgresqlhibernatejpa


总结问题,您想使用条件聚合。在 PostgreSQL 中,您可以使用:

select ans.event_id,
       max(l.description) filter (where aq.question_id = 13 and aq.activity_id = 27) as transportationotherintensity
       max(l.description) filter (where l.id = 66 and aq.question_id = 14 and aq.activity_id = 67) as commutework,
       . . .
from activity_questions_t aq join
     lookup_t l
     on l.id = aq.answer_choice_id join
     answers_t ans
     on aq.id = ans.activity_question_id
group by ans.event_id
