首页 > 解决方案 > 无法访问此站点 localhost 拒绝连接。使用 jboss 7.1 部署


我使用 jboss7.1 部署了我的项目,并且部署成功,但我无法访问,虽然浏览器显示无法访问此站点,localhost 拒绝连接。如何解决这个问题?

标签: browserjbossjboss7.x



1 Log in into server via ssh and do next actions from terminal on this server.
2. Run netstat on the port
3.Check state of 1099 port is LISTEN. Remember program name and pid ( last column output of netstat, should be something like 5812/java)
4. Try investigate, what program used it. Run ps aux | grep xxxx where xxxx - pid from step 3
