首页 > 解决方案 > How to resolve re-login to Remote Desktop Client with Remmina?


I used Remmina to join to remote windows server

But I have a little problem

once I close remote windows, I cannot go to remote windows server again with remmina

for resolving this problem, I have to open Vmware and open "browser console" and login to windows server enter image description here

and with this activity, my log and cache clear and I can log in again

Now my question is: How can I resolve this problem and close and open repeatedly my windows server in remmina

Notice: I don't have this problem on Linux server with remmina and this problem occurred in windows server with remmina

标签: windowsserverremote-accessremote-serverremote-desktop


我解决了这个问题我们应该在 CMD 中使用这个命令来解决这样的问题

net user administrator /active:yes


