首页 > 解决方案 > 我的数组类错误 CS0120 C# 的问题




这篇文章有多个不同的任务,例如:制作一个使用 get set、数组、方法等的程序。我把它全部变成了一个程序,但我遇到了错误

CS0120 非静态字段、方法或属性“Program.gameInfoArray”需要对象引用


class Program
    //the class array that stores the games
    public gameInfo[] gameInfoArray = new gameInfo[10];

    static void Main(string[] args)

        bool done = false;
        // this is where i get the issue 
        for (int i = 0; i >= gameInfoArray.Length || done == false; i++)
            //asks what the game is called
            Console.WriteLine("What is the game called:");
            string gameName = Console.ReadLine();

            //asks who the devolopers are
            Console.WriteLine("Who where the devolopers behind the game:");
            string devoloper = Console.ReadLine();

            //asks who published the game
            Console.WriteLine("Who released the game:");
            string publisher = Console.ReadLine();

            //ask how much the game costs
            Console.WriteLine("How much does the game cost:");
            string cost = Console.ReadLine();

            //inputs the information in to the class array, this is also where i get the issue 
            gameInfoArray[i].gameInformationGrabber(gameName, devoloper, publisher, cost);

            //asks if the 
            Console.WriteLine("are there any more games? Y/N");
                ConsoleKeyInfo yesOrNo = Console.ReadKey();
                if ((yesOrNo.KeyChar == 'Y') || (yesOrNo.KeyChar == 'y'))
                    done = true;
                else if ((yesOrNo.KeyChar == 'N') || (yesOrNo.KeyChar == 'n'))




class gameInfo
    private string gameName;
    private string devoloper;
    private string publisher;
    private string cost;

    public void gameInformationGrabber(string game, string dev, string publisher, string cost)
        theGameName = game;
        theDevs = dev;
        thePublisher = publisher;
        theCost = cost;

    public string theGameName
        get { return gameName; }
        set { gameName = value; }

    public string theDevs
        get { return devoloper; }
        set { devoloper = value; }

    public string thePublisher
        get { return publisher; }
        set { publisher = value; }

    public string theCost
        get { return cost; }
        set { cost = value; }




标签: c#



1. 仅静态


class Program
    // Add static keyword. Because Main() method is static. 
    // So, every variable inside it should be static.
    // public gameInfo[] gameInfoArray = new gameInfo[10];
    public static gameInfo[] gameInfoArray = new gameInfo[10];

    static void Main(string[] args)

2. 使用局部变量

class Program
    //public gameInfo[] gameInfoArray = new gameInfo[10];    

    static void Main(string[] args)
       // Declare as local variable.
       // In static method will now complain using local variable.
       gameInfo[] gameInfoArray = new gameInfo[10];

我试过运行这段代码,请不要忘记初始化gameInfoArray以防止空引用异常。在进入 for 循环之前你可能需要这个,

for (int index = 0; index < gameInfoArray.Length; index++)
   gameInfoArray[index] = new gameInfo();
