首页 > 解决方案 > How to make ng2-google-charts wait for data to load before displaying?


I am using ng2-google-charts to display some data in a donut chart in my Angular app. In the app, I pull a user from a JSON server, do some relatively simple calculations, and output the results of those calculations in the donut chart. When data is passed straight into the graph it works fine, but when I pass user information that is calculated into the graph is displays nothing. I suspect this is because it is loading data before the calculations are complete.

I have tried using an *ngIf on the surrounding div to wait for the user to complete loading and calculations to complete, but that seems to do nothing. I know I can probably use the resolved promise to my advantage (I'm using that to make sure the page doesn't load before the data does), but I'm still not really sure how to tie that in with ng2-google-charts. The ng2-google-charts documentation doesn't seem to have any information regarding the matter. I'm still trying to wrap my head around asynchronous functions, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


userLoaded: Promise<boolean>;
creditsCompleted = 0;
creditsInProgress = 0;
creditsLeft = 0;

getUser() {
    this.eventsService.user$.subscribe((user) => {
      this.user = user;
      if (user) {
        this.calculateUserCredits(); // the function that does our calculations
        this.userLoaded = Promise.resolve(true);

calculateUserCredits() {
     // we calculate stuff and assign to the credits variables

public pieChart: GoogleChartInterface = {
    chartType: 'PieChart',
    dataTable: [
      ['Task', 'Total Credits'],
      ['Completed', this.creditsCompleted],
      ['In Progress', this.creditsInProgress],
      ['Remaining', this.creditsLeft]
    options: {'title': 'Credit Breakdown',
              'pieSliceTextStyle': {
              'backgroundColor' : {
                'fill' : 'transparent'


<div class="col-lg-8 bodyFont" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
    <google-chart class="p-0 m-0" [data]="pieChart"></google-chart>

标签: angular


你可以像这样从你的方法中返回一个 ObservablecalculatUserCredits并订阅它:

    this.calculatUserCredits().subscribe(value => {
     // do something to trigger your *ngIf here.

public calculatUserCredits(): Observable<any>{
    // return a bool, or even the calculated data.
    return of("some value");

这是一个工作示例:https ://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-e5ggc2
