首页 > 解决方案 > Why is T undefined? I am trying to implement a node class to use for a doubly linkedlist and it does not like the T after I use the friend operator


class Node{
    template<class T>
    friend class DLList; 
    T data;
    Node* next;
    Node* prev;

    Node(T val):next(nullptr),prev(nullptr),data(val){}
    Node(const Node<T>& rhs):next(nullptr),prev(nullptr),data(rhs.data){}

I keep getting the T is an unknown type someone please explain to me why.

标签: c++


class Node{
    template<class T>
    friend class DLList; 


解决方案:将 Node 也设为模板

template<class T>
class DLList; // declare DLList is a template so that it's a template when friended

template<class T>
class Node{

    friend class DLList<T>; // Node is now a friend of DLList<T> and no other DLLists 
    T data;
    Node* next;
    Node* prev;

    Node():next(nullptr),prev(nullptr){} // I don't recommend having this constructor.
                                         // If T doesn't have a default constructor, 
                                         // the program will not compile and the error 
                                         // messages can be quite inscrutable.
    Node(T val):data(val), next(nullptr),prev(nullptr){}
                                         // I moved data to the front of the line because 
                                         // the members are always initialized in the 
                                         // same order as they are defined no matter the 
                                         // order they are in in the initializer list. It 
                                         // doesn't matter here, but I see it as a 
                                         // sanitation issue.
    Node(const Node<T>& rhs):data(rhs.val), next(nullptr),prev(nullptr){}
                                         // corrected this constructor to use the correct 
                                         // input value. I don't recommend having this 
                                         // constructor. 1) You Probably don't need it. 
                                         // the default constructor should be good enough
                                         // and 2) this isn't really a copy. 

template<class T>
class DLList // now we define DLList for real.




template<class T>
class DLList
    class Node{
        T data;
        Node* next;
        Node* prev;

        Node(const T & val):data(val), next(nullptr),prev(nullptr){}
        Node(const T & val,  Node* p, Node* n):data(val), next(p), prev(n){}
                                         // Having a constructor that sets the prev and 
                                         // next pointers makes insertion logic just a 
                                         // bit easier later.

    // private DLList stuff goes here
    // public DLList stuff goes here


