首页 > 解决方案 > ReadOnlySequence – 切片到给定的 SequencePosition + 1


我尝试从ReadOnlySequence. 数据被格式化为帧。每个帧都由一个 NULL 字节(八位字节 0)终止。

我的代码使用ReadOnlySequence.PositionOf. 当它找到一个 NULL 字节时,它将处理直到 NULL 字节位置的所有字节。处理后,我想通过切片输入来处理下一帧并重复前面的步骤。由于帧在 NULL 字节之前结束,因此如果我不再对输入数据进行切片(start = 1),NULL 字节将成为下一个字节序列的一部分。

ReadOnlySequence是否有一种方法可以用SequencePosition+ 1 项/字节作为起始值来对 a 进行切片?

我尝试使用SequencePosition.GetInteger+ 1 作为起始值,但这不起作用,因为GetInteger有时返回的值大于ReadOnlySequence. 切片到返回的值GetInteger会导致以下异常:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter 'start')


using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public class Program
        private static IDuplexPipe _pipe;

        public static async Task Main( String[] args )
            var pipe = new Pipe();
            _pipe = new DuplexPipe( pipe.Reader, pipe.Writer );

            var firstMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "CONNECTED\nversion:1.1\nsession:2a840965\nserver:ActiveMQ-Artemis/2.8.0 ActiveMQ Artemis Messaging Engine\nheart-beat:10000,10000\n\n\0\n" );
            await _pipe.Output.WriteAsync( firstMessage );
            await _pipe.Output.FlushAsync();

            var secondMessage =
                    "\n\nMESSAGE\nsubscription:test-839c7766-0f38-4579-a3fc-74de35408536Sub1\ncontent-length:4\nmessage-id:2147486350\ndestination:/queue/TestQ\nexpires:1572278642017\nredelivered:false\npriority:5\npersistent:true\ntimestamp:1572278582050\ndestination-type:ANYCAST\nreceipt:2\ntest:test\nNMSXDeliveryMode:true\ntransformation:jms-byte\ntimestamp:1572278582017\n\nHello World\0\n" );
            await _pipe.Output.WriteAsync( secondMessage );
            await _pipe.Output.FlushAsync();

            var readResult = await _pipe.Input.ReadAsync();
            var buffer = readResult.Buffer;
            while ( TryParseFrame( ref buffer ) )
                // ...

            _pipe.Input.AdvanceTo( buffer.Start, buffer.End );


        private static Boolean TryParseFrame( ref ReadOnlySequence<Byte> inputBuffer )
            var endOfFrame = inputBuffer.PositionOf( ByteConstants.Null );
            if ( endOfFrame == null )
                return false;

            var frameBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice( 0, endOfFrame.Value );
            // parse and process the frame...

            // This works....
            //inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice( frameBuffer.End );
            //inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice( 1 );

            // This does NOT.
                var end = frameBuffer.End.GetInteger();
                var length = inputBuffer.Length;
                Console.WriteLine( $" END: {end}, LENGTH: {length} " );
                inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice( end + 1 );
            catch ( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( ex );
                // Make sure we can read the next frame...
                inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice( frameBuffer.End );
                inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice( 1 );

            return true;

    public class DuplexPipe : IDuplexPipe
        public DuplexPipe( PipeReader input, PipeWriter output )
            Input = input;
            Output = output;

        public PipeReader Input { get; }
        public PipeWriter Output { get; }

    public static class ByteConstants
        public const Byte HeaderDelimiter = 58;
        public const Byte LineFeed = 10;
        public const Byte Null = 0;

标签: c#system.memory



ReadOnlySequence公开一个方法,其中第一个参数是从提供的(在您的情况下为终止空字节返回的位置GetPosition(Int64, SequencePosition))开始的偏移量(阅读多远)。SequencePosition


private static bool TryParseFrame(ref ReadOnlySequence<byte> inputBuffer)
    var endOfFrame = inputBuffer.PositionOf(ByteConstants.Null);
    if (endOfFrame == null)
        return false;

    // Get SequencePosition 1 place after endOfFrame
    var sliceEnd = inputBuffer.GetPosition(1, endOfFrame.Value);

    inputBuffer = inputBuffer.Slice(0, sliceEnd);

    return true;


免责声明:我不知道如果您的偏移量超出 会发生什么ReadOnlySequence,但我想您在尝试分割缓冲区时会遇到问题。但是,在您的特定情况下,您已经知道该字节在那里。
