首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在不指定列名的情况下使用 bigquery 在表中的每一列上调用内置函数?



table_one AS(
  SELECT 0.123 feat_1, 0.645 feat_2 , 1 label_bc, 'a' dontcare UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.567, 0.456, 0, 'v'   UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.243, 0.734, 1, 'x'   UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.456, 0.888, 0, 'c'   UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.645, 0.222, 1, 'x'   UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.321, 0.123, 0, 'z'  
SELECT * from table_one

我想计算特征和 label_bc 之间的相关性。我可以手动指定功能以获得所需的结果,如下所示:

选择 corr(label_bc, feat_1) as feat1_corr, corr(label_bc, feat_2) as feat2_corr from table_one


我可以做这样的事情来获得所需的列。请注意,这仅适用于真实表,而不适用于此示例 table_one 中的虚拟表。

all_columns AS (
  SELECT column_name 
  FROM `my-proj`.my_dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where column_name not in ('dontcare', 'label_bc') AND
  TABLE_NAME = 'table_one' -- will work if real table



column_name_array as (
  select ARRAY_AGG(all_columns) from all_columns


话虽如此,我不能将这些原语结合起来为任何给定的具有不同列的表提供工作解决方案,以计算所有特征列和 label_bc 列之间的 corr() 。任何指导表示赞赏。


-- Assume a table like this
-- feat_1   feat_2  feat_3  label_bc   dontcare
-- 0.123    0.645   0.656   1.0    a
-- 0.567    0.456   -0.056  0.0    b
-- 0.243    0.734   0.754   1.0    c
-- 0.456    0.888   -0.858  0.0    i
-- 0.645    0.222   0.252   1.0    j
-- 0.321    0.123   -0.153  0.0    c

-- my_colnames is currently not used
my_colnames (colname) as (
  SELECT 'feat_1' colname UNION ALL
  SELECT 'dontcare' UNION ALL
  SELECT 'label_bc'  
-- the static sample table
table_one AS (
  SELECT 0.123 feat_1, 
         0.645 feat_2, 
         0.656 feat_3, 
         1.0 label_bc, 
         'a' dontcare 
         UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.567, 
         UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.243, 
         UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.456, 
         UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.645, 
         UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.321, 

-- transform of table_one where feat values are moved
-- from column based to row based such as the table_one is
-- is represented like this:
-- feat_id  feat_val    label_bc    dontcare
-- 1        0.123   1.0     a
-- 1        0.567   0.0     b
-- 1        0.243   1.0     c
-- 1        0.456   0.0     i
-- 1        0.645   1.0     j
-- 1        0.321   0.0     c
-- 2        0.645   1.0     a
-- 2        0.456   0.0     b
-- 2        0.734   1.0     c
-- 2        0.888   0.0     i
-- 2        0.222   1.0     j
-- 2        0.123   0.0     c
-- 3        0.656   1.0     a
-- 3       -0.056   0.0     b
-- 3        0.754   1.0     c
-- 3       -0.858   0.0     i
-- 3        0.252   1.0     j
-- 3       -0.153   0.0     c
-- Is it possible to create this table given the my_colnames table
-- and not have to manually specify the field names below?
table_two AS (
  select 1 as feat_id, 
       feat_1 as feat_val, 
  from table_one union all
  select 2, 
  from table_one union all
  select 3, 
  from table_one 

-- works
--select * from my_colnames
--select * from table_one
select * from table_two
--select corr(label_bc, feat_1) as feat1_corr, corr(label_bc, feat_2) as feat2_corr, corr(label_bc, feat_3) as feat3_corr from table_one
--select feat_id, corr(label_bc, feat_val) as feat_corr from table_two GROUP BY feat_id;

这是 Mikhail 为我这样的 SQL 新手准备的答案。我不得不用中间结果来理解他的出色方法。我认为我们需要这些特征作为一个数字,比如一个 id。在这里,我修改他的正则表达式以简单地使用名称。


-- Assume a table like this
-- feat_1   feat_2  feat_3  label_bc   dontcare
-- 0.123    0.645   0.656   1.0        a
-- 0.567    0.456   -0.056  0.0        b
-- 0.243    0.734   0.754   1.0        c
-- 0.456    0.888   -0.858  0.0        i
-- 0.645    0.222   0.252   1.0        j
-- 0.321    0.123   -0.153  0.0        c

WITH table_one AS (
  SELECT 0.123 feat_1, 0.645 feat_2, 0.656 feat_3, 1.0 label_bc, 'a' dontcare UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.567, 0.456, -0.056, 0.0, 'b' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.243, 0.734, 0.754, 1.0, 'c' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.456, 0.888, -0.858, 0.0, 'i' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.645, 0.222, 0.252, 1.0, 'j' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.321, 0.123, -0.153, 0.0, 'c' 

-- transform of table_one where feat values are moved
-- from column based to row based such as the table_one is
-- represented like this:
-- feat_id  feat_val    label_bc    dontcare
-- 1        0.123   1.0     a
-- 1        0.567   0.0     b
-- 1        0.243   1.0     c
-- 1        0.456   0.0     i
-- 1        0.645   1.0     j
-- 1        0.321   0.0     c
-- 2        0.645   1.0     a
-- 2        0.456   0.0     b
-- 2        0.734   1.0     c
-- 2        0.888   0.0     i
-- 2        0.222   1.0     j
-- 2        0.123   0.0     c
-- 3        0.656   1.0     a
-- 3       -0.056   0.0     b
-- 3        0.754   1.0     c
-- 3       -0.858   0.0     i
-- 3        0.252   1.0     j
-- 3       -0.153   0.0     c

-- regular expression looks for a quotation mark, feat_,  a number one or more times, a quotation mark,
-- a colon, a negative sign zero or more times,  a number one or more times, a decimal point, a number one or more times 
--   REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(TO_JSON_STRING(t), r'"feat_\d+":-?\d+.\d+') 
-- from table_one as t;

-- Shows how to create a table of coefficients without specifying
-- the table column names for features using regular expressions
-- by examine each row as a json key:value pair string format.
table_two AS (
    CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(SPLIT(kv, ':')[OFFSET(0)], r'feat_(\d+)') AS INT64) AS feat_id, 
    CAST(SPLIT(kv, ':')[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS FLOAT64) AS feat_val,
  FROM table_one t, 
  UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(TO_JSON_STRING(t), r'"feat_\d+":-?\d+.\d+')) kv
-- table_2b is first step in building table_2
-- this shows how the table_one table is cross joined with the unnested
-- array of the json for each row of table_one.
-- REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL does not return a table.  It returns an array. One
-- element for each row in table since it uses to_JSON_STRING
-- kv column looks like
-- "feat_1:0.123
-- The table looks like this
-- Row feat_1   feat_2  feat_3  label_bc    dontcare    kv  
-- 1    0.123   0.645   0.656   1.0       a         "feat_1":0.123
-- 2    0.123   0.645   0.656   1.0       a         "feat_2":0.645
-- 3    0.123   0.645   0.656   1.0       a         "feat_3":0.656
-- 4  0.567   0.456  -0.056   0.0       b         "feat_1":0.567

table_two_b AS (
  FROM table_one t, 
  UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(TO_JSON_STRING(t), r'"feat_\d+":-?\d+.\d+')) kv
table_two_c AS (
    -- split returns an array of strings. offset(0) is the first one 
    -- corresponding to the key name which is the feature_name
    REGEXP_EXTRACT(SPLIT(kv, ':')[OFFSET(0)], r'(.+)') AS feat_name,
    CAST(SPLIT(kv, ':')[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS FLOAT64) AS feat_val,
  FROM table_one t, 
  UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(TO_JSON_STRING(t), r'"feat_\d+":-?\d+.\d+')) kv

-- select * from table_two_c

-- Shows what I want from table_two
SELECT feat_name, CORR(label_bc, feat_val) AS feat_corr 
FROM table_two_c 
GROUP BY feat_name   

-- Shows how the table is now t.feat_1, and an extra column json_row which is
-- a second copy of the table in one row using {"key":value, "key":value ...} syntax.
--  t,
--  TO_JSON_STRING(t) AS json_row
-- FROM table_one AS t;

标签: google-bigquery


以下是 BigQuery 标准 SQL

WITH table_two AS (
    CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(SPLIT(kv, ':')[OFFSET(0)], r'feat_(\d+)') AS INT64) AS feat_id, 
    CAST(SPLIT(kv, ':')[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS FLOAT64) AS feat_val,
    label_bc, dontcare
  FROM `project.dataset.table_one` t, 
  UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(TO_JSON_STRING(t), r'"feat_\d+":-?\d+.\d+')) kv
SELECT feat_id, CORR(label_bc, feat_val) AS feat_corr 
FROM table_two 
GROUP BY feat_id   


WITH table_one AS (
  SELECT 0.123 feat_1, 0.645 feat_2, 0.656 feat_3, 1.0 label_bc, 'a' dontcare UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.567, 0.456, -0.056, 0.0, 'b' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.243, 0.734, 0.754, 1.0, 'c' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.456, 0.888, -0.858, 0.0, 'i' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.645, 0.222, 0.252, 1.0, 'j' UNION ALL
  SELECT 0.321, 0.123, -0.153, 0.0, 'c' 
), table_two AS (
    CAST(REGEXP_EXTRACT(SPLIT(kv, ':')[OFFSET(0)], r'feat_(\d+)') AS INT64) AS feat_id, 
    CAST(SPLIT(kv, ':')[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS FLOAT64) AS feat_val,
    label_bc, dontcare
  FROM table_one t, 
  UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(TO_JSON_STRING(t), r'"feat_\d+":-?\d+.\d+')) kv
SELECT feat_id, CORR(label_bc, feat_val) AS feat_corr 
FROM table_two 
GROUP BY feat_id   


Row feat_id feat_corr    
1   1       -0.30526201038849277     
2   2       0.0818318512559385   
3   3       0.838349444539397    
