首页 > 解决方案 > 无法分配给从 VBA 消耗的 C# 类中的 Hashtable 项


我编写了一个 C# 类 (KvpHash) 用于在 VBA 中使用,它围绕 Hashtable 提供了额外的有用功能。在我的 VBA 代码中,我有一个用于 KvpHash 类的广泛的 Rubberduck 测试套件,它显示了该类的所有功能都按预期工作,除了我无法更改项目的值这一事实。

从 VBA 我收到错误消息

424 '需要对象'

在 C# 类中,接口代码是

dynamic this[dynamic Key] { get; set; }


public dynamic this[dynamic Key]
        return MyKvpHash[Key];
        MyKvpHash[Key] = value;

其中 MyKvpHash 定义为

private Hashtable MyKvpHash = new Hashtable();

如果我将 mscorelib 引用添加到 VBA,我可以直接在 VBA 中创建一个哈希表,完全可以在其中更改哈希表中项目的值。

我很感激关于我在 C# 代码中做错了什么导致 object required 错误的指针。

编辑:添加示例 VBA 代码


Public Sub TestHashtable()
' requires reference to mscorlib.dll

Dim myHt As Hashtable

    Set myHt = New Hashtable
    myHt.Add 5, "Hello5"
    myHt.Add 10, "Hello10"

    Debug.Print myHt.Item(10)
    Debug.Print myHt.Item(5)

    ' the next line works as expected
    myHt.Item(10) = "A new world"
    Debug.Print myHt.Item(10)

End Sub


A new world

使用我的 KvpHash 类(HashTable 的包装器)

Public Sub TestKvpHash()

Dim myHt As VBAExtensions.KvpHash
' KvpHash is a C# wrapper for a System.Collections.HashTable

    Set myHt = New KvpHash
    myHt.AddByKey 5, "Hello5"
    myHt.AddByKey 10, "Hello10"

    Debug.Print myHt.Item(10)
    Debug.Print myHt.Item(5)

    ' The next line produces error 424
    myHt.Item(10) = "A new world"
    Debug.Print myHt.Item(10)

End Sub



然后以 424 错误停止。

编辑以根据要求添加完整的 C# 代码。

似乎没有文件托管,而且我没有其他提供链接的方法,所以我在下面插入了相关代码。该代码最初基于字典,但当我第一次发现无法分配给项目时,我将其更新为 Hashtable。该开关没有改变我的代码的行为。请注意,我不是专业程序员,提供的代码基本上是我第一次涉足 C#。通常,我编写 Word VBA 宏供自己使用。

// VBAExtensions
// C# Library module for VBA

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Linq;

namespace VBAExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Enum for accessing the kvphash structure returned by Method Cohorts
    /// </summary>

    public enum CohortType 
        /// <summary>1 = the keys in A plus keys in B that are not shared</summary>
        KeysInAAndOnlyB = 1,
        /// <summary>2 = the Keys from B in A where B has a different value to A</summary>
        /// <summary>3 = the keys that are only in A and only in B</summary>
        /// <summary>4 = the keys that are inA and  B </summary>
        /// <summary>5 = the keys in A only   </summary>
        /// <summary>6 = the keys in B only</summary>

/// <summary>
    /// KvpHash is a C# class for VBA which implements a Key/Value HashTable
    /// The object is a morer flexible version of the Scripting.Dictionary
    /// </summary>
    public interface IKvpHash

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns/Sets the "Value" specified by "Key" (i) of a Key/Value Pair
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Key"></param>
        /// <returns>Type used in Set statement (C# dynamic)</returns> 
        dynamic this[dynamic Key] { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds "Value" to the KvpHash using an integer (VBA Long) Key.
        /// The integer key is based on the first available integer greater than or
        /// equal to the Count of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        void AddByIndex(dynamic Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Populates this KvpHash using AddByIndex for each character in the string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="this_string"></param>
        void AddByIndexAsChars(string this_string);

        /// <summary>
        /// Pupulates this KvpHash using AddByIndex for each substring in this_string delineated by this_seperator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="this_string"></param>
        /// <param name="this_seperator"></param>
        void AddByIndexAsSubStr(string this_string, string this_seperator = ",");

        /// <summary>
        /// Pupulates a KvpHash using AddByIndex for each array item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="this_array"></param>
        void AddByIndexFromArray(dynamic this_array);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds "Value" to the KvpHash with a key pf "Key"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Key"></param>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        void AddByKey(dynamic Key, dynamic Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Groups the keys of the two KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ArgKvpHash"></param>
        /// <returns>An array of 6 KvpHash
        /// keys in a {1,2,3,4,5,6}
        /// keys in b {1,2,3,6,7,8}
        /// 1 = the keys in A plus keys in B that are not shared            {1,2,3( from A),4,5,6,7,8}
        /// 2 = the Keys from B in A where B has a different value to A     {3( from B) if value is different}
        /// 3 = the keys that are only in A and only in B                   {4,5,7,8}
        /// 4 = the keys that are in A and  B                               {1,2,3,6}
        /// 5 = the keys in A only                                          {4,5}
        /// 6 = the keys in B only                                          {7,8}
        /// </returns>
        KvpHash Cohorts(KvpHash ArgKvpHash);

        /// <summary>
        /// The number of key/vaue pairs in the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Long</returns>
        int Count();

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Return the IEnumerator interface for KvpHash
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns>IEnumerator</returns>
        //IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the "Key" for the first ocurrence of "Value" in the KvpHash.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        /// <returns>Key</returns>
        dynamic GetKey(dynamic Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a variant array of the Keys of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// /// <returns>Variant Array</returns>
        dynamic[] GetKeys();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a variant array of the values of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Variant Array</returns>
        dynamic[] GetValues();

        /// <summary>
        /// True if the "Key" exists in the keys of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Key"></param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool HoldsKey(dynamic Key);

        /// <summary>
        /// True if the "Value" exists in the values of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool HoldsValue(dynamic Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// True if the KvpHash holds 0 key/value pairs
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool IsEmpty();

        /// <summary>
        /// True if the KvpHash holds one or more key/value pairs
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool IsNotEmpty();

        /// <summary>
        /// True is the "Key" is not found in the keys of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Key"></param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool LacksKey(dynamic Key);

        /// <summary>
        /// True if the "Value" is not found in the values of the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool LacksValue(dynamic Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reverses the Key/Value pairs in a KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>New KvpHash where: 
        ///     KvpHash.Value(1) = KvpHash Unique values as Value/Key pairs 
        ///     KvpHash.Value(2) = KvpHash Non unique values as Key/Value pairs</returns>
        KvpHash Mirror();

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the Key/Value pair spacified by "Key" from the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Key"></param>
        void Remove(dynamic Key);

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all Key/Value pairs from the KvpHash
        /// </summary>
        void RemoveAll();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the Values in KvpHash are unique.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool ValuesAreUnique();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the Values in KvpHash are not unique.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Boolean</returns>
        bool ValuesAreNotUnique();

    public class KvpHash : IKvpHash, IEnumerable

        private Hashtable MyKvpHash = new Hashtable();

        public dynamic this[dynamic Key]
                return MyKvpHash[Key];
                MyKvpHash[Key] = value;

        public void AddByIndex(dynamic Value)
            int my_index = MyKvpHash.Count + 1;
            while (MyKvpHash.ContainsKey(my_index))
            MyKvpHash.Add(my_index, Value);

        public void AddByIndexAsChars(string this_string)
            int my_index = MyKvpHash.Count + 1;
            while (MyKvpHash.ContainsKey(my_index))
            char[] MyArray = this_string.ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i <= MyArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                //KvpHash uses ordinal indexes
                MyKvpHash.Add(i + 1, MyArray[i].ToString());

        public void AddByIndexAsSubStr(string this_string, string this_seperator = ",")
            int my_index = MyKvpHash.Count + 1;
            while (MyKvpHash.ContainsKey(my_index))
            string[] MyArray = this_string.Split(this_seperator.ToArray());
            for (int i = 0; i <= MyArray.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                //KvpHash uses ordinal indexes
                MyKvpHash.Add(i + 1, MyArray[i]);

        public void AddByIndexFromArray(dynamic this_array)
            int my_index = MyKvpHash.Count + 1;
            while (MyKvpHash.ContainsKey(my_index))
            for (int i = 0; i <= this_array.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                //KvpHash uses ordinal indexes
                MyKvpHash.Add(i + 1, this_array[i]);

        public void AddByKey(dynamic Key, dynamic Value)
            MyKvpHash.Add(Key, Value);

        public KvpHash Cohorts(KvpHash ArgKvpHash)
            KvpHash ResultKvpHash = new KvpHash();
            // VBA reports object not set error if the resuly KvpHash are not newed
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                ResultKvpHash.AddByKey(i, new KvpHash());

            foreach (DictionaryEntry MyKvpHashPair in MyKvpHash)
                // A plus unique in B
                ResultKvpHash[1].AddByKey(MyKvpHashPair.Key, MyKvpHashPair.Value);

                if (ArgKvpHash.LacksKey(MyKvpHashPair.Key))  // problem is here
                    // In A only or in B only
                    ResultKvpHash[3].AddByKey(MyKvpHashPair.Key, MyKvpHashPair.Value);
                    // In A only
                    ResultKvpHash[5].AddByKey(MyKvpHashPair.Key, MyKvpHashPair.Value);
                    // In A and In B
                    ResultKvpHash[4].AddByKey(MyKvpHashPair.Key, MyKvpHashPair.Value);

            foreach (dynamic MyKey in ArgKvpHash.GetKeys())
                // B in A with different value
                if (ResultKvpHash[1].LacksKey(MyKey))  // Result 0 will contain all of A
                    ResultKvpHash[1].AddByKey(MyKey, ArgKvpHash[MyKey]);
                    ResultKvpHash[3].AddByKey(MyKey, ArgKvpHash[MyKey]);
                    ResultKvpHash[6].AddByKey(MyKey, ArgKvpHash[MyKey]);
                    if (ResultKvpHash[1][MyKey] != ArgKvpHash[MyKey])
                        ResultKvpHash[2].AddByKey(MyKey, ArgKvpHash[MyKey]);
            return ResultKvpHash;

        public Int32 Count()
            return MyKvpHash.Count;

        public bool IsEmpty()
            return MyKvpHash.Count == 0;

        public bool IsNotEmpty()
            return !IsEmpty();

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            foreach (DictionaryEntry my_pair in MyKvpHash)
                yield return my_pair.Value;

        public dynamic GetKey(dynamic Value)
            return this.Mirror()[1][Value];

        public dynamic[] GetKeys()

            return (dynamic[]) MyKvpHash.Keys;

        public dynamic[] GetValues()
            return (dynamic[]) MyKvpHash.Values;

        public bool HoldsKey(dynamic Key)
            return MyKvpHash.ContainsKey(Key);

        public bool HoldsValue(dynamic Value)
            return MyKvpHash.ContainsValue(Value);

        public bool LacksKey(dynamic Key)
            return !HoldsKey(Key);

        public bool LacksValue(dynamic Value)
            return !HoldsValue(Value);

        public KvpHash Mirror()
            KvpHash MyResult = new KvpHash();
            MyResult.AddByIndex(new KvpHash());
            MyResult.AddByIndex(new KvpHash());
            foreach (DictionaryEntry my_pair in MyKvpHash)
                if (MyResult[1].LacksKey(my_pair.Value))
                    MyResult[1].AddByKey(my_pair.Value, my_pair.Key);
                    MyResult[2].AddByKey(my_pair.Key, my_pair.Value);
            return MyResult;

        public void Remove(dynamic Key)

        public void RemoveAll()

        public bool ValuesAreUnique()
            return MyKvpHash.Count == ((dynamic[]) MyKvpHash.Values).Distinct().Count();

        public bool ValuesAreNotUnique()
            return !ValuesAreUnique();

标签: c#vbacomcom-interop


@Freeflow 如果您在 Word 模块中更改 myHt 定义,它将正常并且可以正常工作。

Public Sub TestKvpHash()

Dim myHt As Object
' KvpHash is a C# wrapper for a System.Collections.HashTable

    Set myHt = New VBAExtensions.KvpHash
    ' Rest of code
