首页 > 解决方案 > 比较上一行的值


我有一个工作和口译员数据库。我正在尝试为每位口译员制作一张表格,以查看他们下周的工作,但我无法对它们进行排序。现在它一直将每个作业放入不同的表中,但我想要的是它为按 first_name 排序的每个解释器将其保存在同一个表中,然后结束该表并为下一个解释器创建一个新表。我想也许我可以制作某种变量来存储前一行的值,然后以echo "</table>"; 但我还没弄清楚怎么做。我想如果我最终可以让他们分组,我最终可以将 html 表格放入电子邮件中。sql 是一个保存的视图,它已经按 first_name 排序,但也返回 inter_id 的值(即使该部分未显示在表中)。我在想我可以比较每一行上 inter_id 的值。这就是我现在所拥有的:


 <table style=\"width:100%\">
 <th>Date & Time</th>
if ($result = $conn->query($sql)) {

    /* fetch associative array */
 while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

    $start = $row['start'];
    $beginning = hr_datetime($start); //this function is elsewhere
    echo $table_start;

        echo "<td>";
    echo $beginning;

    echo "</td>";
    if ($cur_inter_id === NULL){
        echo "<td>";
        echo "<font color=\"red\">"; //I want it obvious someone is not assigned
        echo "<b>"; //bold
        echo "NOT";
        echo "&nbsp";
        echo "ASSIGNED";
        echo "</font>";
        echo "</b>";
        echo "</td>";

    }    else {
        echo "<td>";
        echo $row['First_Name'];
        echo "&nbsp";
        echo $row['Last_Name'];
        echo "</td>";


    echo "<td>";
    if ($outcome_id === '9'){echo "<strike> <font color=\"orange\"> <b>";} //I want it to be obvious an app is cancelled,

    echo $row['subject'];
    if ($outcome_id === '9'){echo "/CANCELLED </strike></font></b>";}

    echo "</td>";

    echo "<td>";
    echo $row['location'];
    echo "</td>";



echo "</table>";

标签: php


我支持@RamRaider 写的所有内容。特别是关于您格式化表格的方式。


echo $table_start;
foreach ($dat as $row){ // (this emulates the database)

  $start = $row['start'];
  $beginning = $start; //  hr_datetime($start); //this function is elsewhere
  // ============================================================================
  // compare the current ID with the previous one and create table division here:
  if ($prev_id!="start" && $inter_id!=$prev_id) echo "</table>\n\n".$table_start;
  // ============================================================================

      echo "<td>";
  echo $beginning;

  echo "</td>";
  if ($cur_inter_id === NULL){
      echo "<td>";
      echo "<font color=\"red\">"; //I want it obvious someone is not assigned
      echo "<b>"; //bold
      echo "NOT";
      echo "&nbsp";
      echo "ASSIGNED";
      echo "</font>";
      echo "</b>";
      echo "</td>";
  }   else {
      echo "<td>";
      echo $row['First_Name'];
      echo "&nbsp";
      echo $row['Last_Name'];
      echo "</td>";

  echo "<td>";
  if ($outcome_id == '9'){echo "<strike><font color=\"orange\"> <b>";} //I want it to be obvious an app is cancelled,

  echo $row['subject'];
  if ($outcome_id == '9'){echo "/CANCELLED </font></strike></b>";}

  echo "</td>";
  echo "<td>";
  echo $row['location'];
  echo "</td>";
  echo "</tr>";

echo "</table>";

在此处查看演示:https ://rextester.com/WNAOTN55281
