首页 > 解决方案 > 如何仅使用 OLEDB C# SSIS 在 Excel 文件中创建现有 Excel 工作表(表)的新副本


我正在尝试创建一个 Excel 模板的副本,该模板当前已经存在于正在处理的 Excel 文档中,并将数据插入其中。该代码旨在从表格中获取数据,将其插入到 Excel 文件的特定单元格中,这些单元格在其上方命名为突出显示的列,以便对其进行格式化。我正在使用 SSIS 脚本任务来遍历表中的每一行数据。插入数据后,我将尝试为要插入的下一行数据创建模板的副本。

//Foreach record set of data in table
//Insert data into the template into the specific cells
//Create new sheet for next iteration of data to be inserted
//end script

我只能使用 System.Data.OleDb 方法/库,因为 UAT 和 PROD 服务器此时不能接受其他库。所以算法是这样设置的。脚本在 Foreach 循环中,所以...

我希望它能够创建正在向其中插入数据的当前 Excel 工作表的副本。

using (OleDbConnection ExcelConnection = new OleDbConnection(ExcelLocationConnectionString))

    DataTableCollection TablesInFile = ExcelConnection.GetSchema("Tables").DataSet.Tables;

    using (OleDbCommand InsertDataCommand = new OleDbCommand())
        InsertDataCommand.Connection = ExcelConnection;
        DataTable TableToInsertDataInto = TablesInFile[TablesInFile.Count];//Index could be out of range

        if (YestAccountBranch == TodayAccountBranch)           
            AccountBranchChange = "No changes have been made to Account Branch.";
        if (YestAccountType == TodayAccountType)           
            AccountTypeChange = "No changes have been made to Account Type.";
        if (YestCostCenter == TodayCostCenter)            
            CostCenterChange = "No changes have been made to Cost Center.";
        InsertDataSQL = "INSERT INTO [" + TableToInsertDataInto.ToString() + "$B5:F5:I5:L5:P5:T5:Y5:F2] VALUES('" + AccountNumber + "','" +
                    "" + CostCenterChange + "','" + AccountTypeChange + "','" + AccountBranchChange + "','" + TransactionLimit +
                    "','"+ DailyCumulativeLimit +"','" + BLCompanyID + "/" + ClientName + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().ToString() + "')";

        InsertDataCommand.CommandText = InsertDataSQL;


    //Create table in excel sheet
    using (OleDbCommand CreateTableCommand = new OleDbCommand())
        CreateTableCommand.Connection = ExcelConnection;

        string tableName = "AccountChange" + TablesInFile.Count.ToString() + 1;
        CreateTableCommand.CommandText = $"CREATE TABLE [{tableName}]";


标签: c#excelssisoledb

