首页 > 解决方案 > 是否可以在 AWS CDK 构造上添加多个标签?


在 python 中,我正在做这样的事情来为构造的所有资源添加标签: core.Tag.add(construct, 'Key', 'Value')

我的问题是,CDK 是否支持在一个命令中添加多个标签,或者我是否必须迭代以一次添加一对。像这样的东西:

tags = {'Key1': 'Value1', 'Key2': 'Value2'}
for key, value in tags.items():
    core.Tag.add(construct, key, value)


标签: pythonamazon-web-servicesaws-cdk


你是对的。CDK 中目前无法使用 1 方法添加多个标签。但是您可以尝试找出一种直接操作 aws_cdk.core.TagManager 的方法。我不推荐这样做,因为 Python CDK 使用 JSII 与用 TypeScript 编写的实际 CDK 进行交互。这是 core.Tag.add 的样子

    def add(cls, scope: "Construct", key: str, value: str, *, apply_to_launched_instances: typing.Optional[bool]=None, exclude_resource_types: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]=None, include_resource_types: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]=None, priority: typing.Optional[jsii.Number]=None) -> None:
        """add tags to the node of a construct and all its the taggable children.

        :param scope: -
        :param key: -
        :param value: -
        :param props: -
        :param apply_to_launched_instances: Whether the tag should be applied to instances in an AutoScalingGroup. Default: true
        :param exclude_resource_types: An array of Resource Types that will not receive this tag. An empty array will allow this tag to be applied to all resources. A non-empty array will apply this tag only if the Resource type is not in this array. Default: []
        :param include_resource_types: An array of Resource Types that will receive this tag. An empty array will match any Resource. A non-empty array will apply this tag only to Resource types that are included in this array. Default: []
        :param priority: Priority of the tag operation. Higher or equal priority tags will take precedence. Setting priority will enable the user to control tags when they need to not follow the default precedence pattern of last applied and closest to the construct in the tree. Default: Default priorities: - 100 for {@link SetTag} - 200 for {@link RemoveTag} - 50 for tags added directly to CloudFormation resources
        props = TagProps(apply_to_launched_instances=apply_to_launched_instances, exclude_resource_types=exclude_resource_types, include_resource_types=include_resource_types, priority=priority)

        return jsii.sinvoke(cls, "add", [scope, key, value, props])
