首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 if 语句中检查输出信号的条件



如何在 if 语句中检查输出信号的条件?

entity turbine_action is
Port (  freq550 : in STD_LOGIC;
        freq650 : in STD_LOGIC;
        freq850 : in STD_LOGIC;
        freq950 : in STD_LOGIC;
        user_ip : in STD_LOGIC;
        mild : out STD_LOGIC;
        aggressive : out STD_LOGIC;
        brake : out STD_LOGIC;
        alarm : out STD_LOGIC;
        clock : in STD_LOGIC);
end turbine_action;

architecture Behavioral of turbine_action is

type state_type is (s0, s1, s2);
signal current_s, next_s : state_type;


process (clock)
    if (rising_edge(clock)) then
        current_s <= next_s;    --change state according to next state logic
    end if;
end process;

process (current_s, freq550, freq650, freq850, freq950, user_ip)
    case current_s is
        when s0 =>
        if (user_ip = '1') then
            if (freq550 = '1') then
                brake <= '1';
                alarm <= '1';
                -- ADD DELAY delay(1000);
            end if;
            if (freq650 = '1') then
                if (mild = '1') then
                    aggressive <= '1';
                end if;
            end if;

end Behavioral;

标签: vhdl


Let say you will use this:

alarm : out STD_LOGIC;

You can define it as inout signal:

alarm : inout STD_LOGIC;

Or you can connect it with an signal (assuming you defined a std_logic signal):

local_signal <= alarm; 

Then you can check the condition of local_signal.

Normally output vectors are going to one top vhd file and they can be controlled at that vhd file due to they came as input vector.
