首页 > 解决方案 > 如何以通用方式编写此代码(使用可以在每个项目中递增的计数器的状态机)


我正在尝试以通用方式编写此代码。有没有办法用通用表达式替换数字。(1,2,3..max) “max”将在每个项目和项目期间发生变化。每次有新变量时,我都会在代码末尾添加一行,自己更改数字。

我试着写 max, max -1, max-2 max-3 .. 但是当 max 是通用的时这是不行的。

 case state_counter is
                when max-6 => block_output  <= variable_a;
                when max-5 => block_output  <= variable_b
                when max-4 => block_output  <= variable_c;
                when max-3 => block_output  <= variable_d;
                when max-1  => block_output  <= something;
                when max    => block_output  <= something_else;
 case state_counter is
                when 1 => block_output  <= variable_a;
                when 2 => block_output  <= variable_b
                when 3 => block_output  <= variable_c;
                when 4 => block_output  <= variable_d;
                when max-1  => block_output  <= something;
                when max    => block_output  <= something_else;

标签: vhdl



假设输出是一个 slv(7 downto 0) 并且你有通用的 MAX 来设置大小

architecture A1 of example is
 type t_output_array is array (INTEGER range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 signal output_array : t_output_array(1 to MAX);
 signal I : integer range 0 to MAX; -- To select in the array
 process( CLK )
   if Rising_edge( CLK ) then
      block_output  <= output_array(I);
    end if;
  end process;
end architecture A1;


G1: for I in 0 to N generate
  -- Component instances and/or process
end generate G1;
