首页 > 解决方案 > 新列的条件生成 - Pandas




Object2Value确定如何映射新列。因此,如果Value is == X,我想匹配两列以将该时间点Object的对应1和返回到新列。2如果 . 应该发生相同的过程Value is == Y。如果Value is == Z,我想插入0, 0。其他一切都应该是NaN

df = pd.DataFrame({   
        'Time' : ['2019-08-02 09:50:10.1','2019-08-02 09:50:10.1','2019-08-02 09:50:10.2','2019-08-02 09:50:10.3','2019-08-02 09:50:10.3','2019-08-02 09:50:10.4','2019-08-02 09:50:10.5','2019-08-02 09:50:10.6','2019-08-02 09:50:10.6'],
        'Object' : ['B','A','A','A','C','C','C','B','B'],
        '1' : [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17],  
        '2' : [0,1,4,6,8,10,12,14,16],     
        'Object2' : ['A','A',np.nan,'C','C','C','C','B','A'],                 
        'Value' : ['X','X',np.nan,'Y','Y','Y','Y','Z',np.nan],                  

def map_12(df):

for i in df['Value']:
    if i == 'X':
        df['A1'] = df['1']
        df['A2'] = df['2']
    elif i == 'Y':
        df['A1'] = df['1']
        df['A2'] = df['2']     
    elif i == 'Z':
        df['A1'] = 0
        df['A2'] = 0             
        df['A1'] = np.nan
        df['A2'] = np.nan              

return df


                    Time Object   1   2 Object2 Value    A1    A2
0  2019-08-02 09:50:10.1      A   1   0       A     X   1.0   0.0 # Match A-A at this time point, so output is 1,0
1  2019-08-02 09:50:10.1      B   3   1       A     X   1.0   0.0 # Still at same time point so use 1,0 
2  2019-08-02 09:50:10.2      A   5   4     NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN # No Value so NaN
3  2019-08-02 09:50:10.3      C   7   6       C     Y   7.0   6.0 # Match C-C at this time point, so output is 7,6
4  2019-08-02 09:50:10.3      A   9   8       C     Y   7.0   6.0 # Still at same time point so use 7,6 
5  2019-08-02 09:50:10.4      C  11  10       C     Y  11.0  10.0 # Match C-C at this time point, so output is 11,10
6  2019-08-02 09:50:10.5      C  13  12       C     Y  13.0  12.0 # Match C-C at this time point, so output is 13,12
7  2019-08-02 09:50:10.6      B  15  14       B     Z   0.0   0.0 # Z so 0,0
8  2019-08-02 09:50:10.6      B  17  16       A   NaN   NaN   NaN # No Value so NaN


 df = pd.DataFrame({   
        'Time' : ['2019-08-02 09:50:10.1','2019-08-02 09:50:10.1','2019-08-02 09:50:10.2','2019-08-02 09:50:10.3','2019-08-02 09:50:10.3','2019-08-02 09:50:10.4','2019-08-02 09:50:10.5','2019-08-02 09:50:10.6','2019-08-02 09:50:10.6'],
        'Object' : ['B','A','A','A','C','C','C','B','B'],
        '1' : [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17],  
        '2' : [0,1,4,6,8,10,12,14,16],     
        'Object2' : ['A','A',np.nan,'C','C','C','C','B','A'],                 
        'Value' : ['X','X',np.nan,'Y','Y','Y','Y','Z',np.nan],                


                    Time Object   1   2 Object2 Value    A1    A2
0  2019-08-02 09:50:10.1      B   1   0       A     X   3.0   1.0 # Match A-A at this time point, so output is 3,1
1  2019-08-02 09:50:10.1      A   3   1       A     X   3.0   1.0 # Still at same time point so use 3,1 
2  2019-08-02 09:50:10.2      A   5   4     NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN # No Value so NaN
3  2019-08-02 09:50:10.3      A   7   6       C     Y   9.0   8.0 # Match C-C at this time point, so output is 9,8
4  2019-08-02 09:50:10.3      C   9   8       C     Y   9.0   8.0 # Still at same time point so use 9,8 
5  2019-08-02 09:50:10.4      C  11  10       C     Y  11.0  10.0 # Match C-C at this time point, so output is 11,10
6  2019-08-02 09:50:10.5      C  13  12       C     Y  13.0  12.0 # Match C-C at this time point, so output is 13,12
7  2019-08-02 09:50:10.6      B  15  14       B     Z   0.0   0.0 # Z so 0,0
8  2019-08-02 09:50:10.6      B  17  16       A   NaN   NaN   NaN # No Value so NaN

标签: pythonpandasconditional-statements


使用DataFrame.where+DataFrame.eq创建一个类似于df[['1','2']] 但仅包含匹配项的行True和其余行的 DataFrame NaN。然后使用和()重合的现有值按时间点DataFrame.groupby分组,并用现有值填充每组的缺失数据。用于在. 最后使用 [ ] 将值设置为 0 时在列中ObjectObject2matches==TrueDataFrame.wheredf['Value']NaNDataFrame.maskZValue

#Creating conditions
#Creating DataFrame to fill
df12=( df[['1','2']].where(matches)
                    .apply(lambda x: x.ffill().bfill()) )
#fill 0 on Value is Z and discarting NaN
df[['A1','A2']] =df12.where(not_null).mask(condition_z,0)


                    Time Object   1   2 Object2 Value    A1    A2
0  2019-08-02 09:50:10.1      B   1   0       A     X   3.0   1.0
1  2019-08-02 09:50:10.1      A   3   1       A     X   3.0   1.0
2  2019-08-02 09:50:10.2      A   5   4     NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
3  2019-08-02 09:50:10.3      A   7   6       C     Y   9.0   8.0
4  2019-08-02 09:50:10.3      C   9   8       C     Y   9.0   8.0
5  2019-08-02 09:50:10.4      C  11  10       C     Y  11.0  10.0
6  2019-08-02 09:50:10.5      C  13  12       C     Y  13.0  12.0
7  2019-08-02 09:50:10.6      B  15  14       B     Z   0.0   0.0
8  2019-08-02 09:50:10.6      B  17  16       A   NaN   NaN   NaN


#Creating conditions
#Creating DataFrame to fill
df12=( df[['1','2']].where(matches)
                    .transform('first') )
#fill 0 on Value is Z and discarting NaN
df[['A1','A2']] =df12.where(not_null).mask(condition_z,0)
