首页 > 解决方案 > 计算一组时间戳的小时总和与一个固定数的差


我有以下数据框。我想要实现的是对于每个“Date_worked”,“Time_spent”列中的小时数总和应该等于 7。例如,在 2019 年 6 月 10 日,小时数总和已经是 7,所以什么都不需要进行调整。在 2019 年 6 月 12 日,小时总和为 4.25,因此我需要插入一行带有“Tab_description”“差异”的行,这将在“时间_花费”下显示为 2.75 的差异。2019 年 6 月 13 日和 2019 年 6 月 14 日已经达到 7,因此无需在那里进行任何操作。在 2019 年 6 月 19 日的情况下,我需要做与 2019 年 6 月 12 日相同的操作,插入总和为 6 的行,使总和为 7。感谢您的帮助。

Date_worked Tab_description Time_spent
    0   6/10/2019   Perform planning procedures 7.0
    1   6/11/2019   Perform planning procedures 7.0
    2   6/12/2019   Time off (away from the office) 2.25
    3   6/12/2019   Staff meeting   1.0
    4   6/12/2019   Accounting & Risk Management Luncheon   1.0
    5   6/13/2019   Perform planning procedures 7.0
    6   6/14/2019   Time off (away from the office) 2.0
    7   6/14/2019   Review policies and procedures  5.0
    8   6/17/2019   Time off (away from the office) 7.0
    9   6/18/2019   Perform planning procedures 7.0
    10  6/19/2019   Staff meeting   1.0
    11  6/20/2019   Time off (away from the office) 2.0
    12  6/21/2019   Time off (away from the office) 1.0
    13  6/24/2019   Staff meeting (FY 20 planning)  7.0
    14  6/25/2019   FCR Kick-off meeting    1.0
    15  6/26/2019   Time off (away from the office) 1.5
    16  6/26/2019   Staff meeting   1.0
    17  6/28/2019   Time off (away from the office) 1.0

标签: pandastimestampdifference


有很多方法可以做到这一点,我将向您展示使用groupby& concat


      Date_worked                           Tab_description  Time_spent
0    6/10/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
1    6/11/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
2    6/12/2019          Time off (away from the office)         0.25
3    6/12/2019                          Staff meeting           1.00
4    6/12/2019  Accounting & Risk Management Luncheon           1.00
5    6/13/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
6    6/14/2019          Time off (away from the office)         2.00
7    6/14/2019          Review policies and procedures          5.00
8    6/17/2019          Time off (away from the office)         7.00
9    6/18/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
10   6/19/2019                          Staff meeting           1.00
11   6/20/2019          Time off (away from the office)         2.00
12   6/21/2019          Time off (away from the office)         1.00
13   6/24/2019                        Staff meeting (FY         7.00
14   6/25/2019                  FCR Kick-off meeting            1.00
15   6/26/2019          Time off (away from the office)         1.50
16   6/26/2019                          Staff meeting           1.00
17   6/28/2019          Time off (away from the office)         1.00

我们从groupby一个简单的差和开始,我们将其分配给一个名为 df2 的新变量。

df2 = df.groupby('Date_worked')['Time_spent'].sum().reset_index()
df2['variance'] = df2['Time_spent'] - 7.00


df2.loc[df2['variance'] != 0, 'Tab_description'] = 'Difference'

然后,我们删除任何 NaN 行,删除'Time_spent'列,并将“方差”列重命名为concat.

        .drop("Time_spent", axis=1)
        .rename(columns={"variance": "Time_spent"}),

  Date_worked                           Tab_description  Time_spent
0    6/10/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
1    6/11/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
2    6/12/2019          Time off (away from the office)         0.25
3    6/12/2019                          Staff meeting           1.00
4    6/12/2019  Accounting & Risk Management Luncheon           1.00
5    6/13/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
6    6/14/2019          Time off (away from the office)         2.00
7    6/14/2019          Review policies and procedures          5.00
8    6/17/2019          Time off (away from the office)         7.00
9    6/18/2019              Perform planning procedures         7.00
10   6/19/2019                          Staff meeting           1.00
11   6/20/2019          Time off (away from the office)         2.00
12   6/21/2019          Time off (away from the office)         1.00
13   6/24/2019                        Staff meeting (FY         7.00
14   6/25/2019                  FCR Kick-off meeting            1.00
15   6/26/2019          Time off (away from the office)         1.50
16   6/26/2019                          Staff meeting           1.00
17   6/28/2019          Time off (away from the office)         1.00
2    6/12/2019                                Difference       -4.75
7    6/19/2019                                Difference       -6.00
8    6/20/2019                                Difference       -5.00
9    6/21/2019                                Difference       -6.00
11   6/25/2019                                Difference       -6.00
12   6/26/2019                                Difference       -4.50
13   6/28/2019                                Difference       -6.00
