首页 > 解决方案 > 如何删除链表中所有出现的项目?


我是链表的初学者,这是我第一次尝试编写一个方法调用 removeall(N),它将删除列表中某个元素的所有出现。我遍历列表,如果我看到一个等于 n 的元素,我会删除链接,但是我收到一条错误消息

 Exception in thread "main" 22 at LinkList.removeAll(LinkList.java:34)



class Link
   public long iData;              // data item
   public Link next;              // next link in list
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link(long id) // constructor
      iData = id;                 // initialize data
                       // ('next' is automatically
      }                           //  set to null)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayLink()      // display ourself
      System.out.print("{" + iData  + "} ");
   }  // end class Link


class LinkList
    private Link first;            // ref to first item on list
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    public LinkList()              // constructor
        first = null; }           // no items on list yet
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    public boolean isEmpty()       // true if list is empty
        return (first==null); }
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    public void insertFirst(long dd) // insert at start of list
    {                           // make new link
        Link newLink = new Link(dd);
        newLink.next = first;       // newLink --> old first
        first = newLink;            // first --> newLink
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    //public long deleteFirst()      // delete first item
    public Link deleteFirst()      // delete first item
    {                           // (assumes list not empty)
        Link temp = first;          // save reference to link
        first = first.next;         // delete it: first-->old next
        return temp;          // return deleted link

    public void removeAll(int n) {

          Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list
          while(current != null)  {
              current = current.next; 

              if(current.iData==n) {



    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    public void displayList()
        System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");
        Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list
        while(current != null)      // until end of list,
             System.out.print("List (first-->last): "+ current.iData);    // print data
            current = current.next;  // move to next link
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class LinkList

标签: java


以下是您的 removeAll 实施中的一些问题:

  1. if(current.iData==n)检查当前列表项的值,但 current.next=current.next.next;删除下一项。
  2. 您不处理列表开头的匹配项。

尝试以下 removeAll 方法的实现:

        public void removeAll(int n) {
            // handling elements from the beginning
            while(first != null && first.iData == n){ 
                first = first.next;

            // Removing matched elements from the rest of the list
            Link current = first;
            while (current != null && current.next != null ) {
                if (current.next.iData == n) {
                    current.next = current.next.next;
                } else {
                    current = current.next;
