首页 > 解决方案 > 如何访问在协议中声明为默认值的函数并使用来自另一个协议的关联类型?




我有一个structs 族(称为 Vector2D、Vector3D 等),它们表示各种维度的向量。它们的实现非常相似,但由于structs 无法继承,因此我使用protocol(VectorProtocol) 来编写默认成员函数,protocol extensions而不是为 each 重复它们struct

同样,我有一个structs 族(称为 Point2D、Point3D 等),它们表示不同维度的点。它们的实现也非常相似,所以出于同样的原因我使用了另一个协议(PointProtocol)。

在每种情况下,协议都使用associatedtypes 来标识特定的struct实例类型。

有时 PointxDs 和 VectorxDs 交互,因此PointProtocol也有一个associatedtype来识别它需要处理的特定 VectorxD,并VectorProtocol有一个associatedtype来识别它需要处理的特定 PointxD。


public protocol PointProtocol {
    associatedtype VectorType: VectorProtocol
    /*    etc.  */

extension PointProtocol {
    public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: VectorType) -> Self { /*…*/ }
    public static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> VectorType { /*…*/ }


现在我想添加更多的structs 系列(称为 Line2D、Line3D 等),它们表示各种维度的线并与点和向量交互。我以为我在做更多相同的事情,但有细微的差别。线点和向量组成。

public protocol LineProtocol {
    associatedtype PointType: PointProtocol
    associatedtype VectorType: VectorProtocol
    var anchor: PointType { get set }
    var direction: VectorType { get set }

public struct Line2D: LineProtocol {
    public typealias PointType = Point2D
    public typealias VectorType = Vector2D
    var anchor: PointType
    var direction: VectorType
    public init(anchor: Point2D, direction:Vector2D) { … }

例如,在使用 Point2D 和 Vector2D 构建 Line2D 时,这不会造成任何问题。但是,当涉及到这个默认声明时,编译器会犹豫:

extension LineProtocol {
    public func endOfLineSegment() -> PointType {
        return (anchor + direction)    // Compiler ERROR
            // Binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type
            // 'Self.PointType' and 'Self.VectorType'

看起来编译器找不到运算符声明public static func +(lhs: PointType, rhs: VectorType) -> PointType,即使anchor它显然是 type PointProtocol并且 direction 显然是 type VectorProtocol。所以我认为endOfLineSegment()知道anchor和direction分别是PointType和VectorType,也就是说它应该也知道它们是PointProtocol和Vector Protocol,但是它不知道如何associatedtype为这些协议设置这两个s。



public protocol PointProtocol {
   associatedtype PointType: PointProtocol
   associatedtype VectorType: VectorProtocol
   var elements: [Float] { get set }

extension PointProtocol {
   public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs:VectorType) -> Self {
      var translate = lhs
      for i in 0..<2 { translate.elements[i] += rhs.elements[i] }
      return translate

public protocol VectorProtocol {
   associatedtype VectorType: VectorProtocol
   var elements: [Float] { get set }

public struct Point: PointProtocol {
   public typealias PointType = Point
   public typealias VectorType = Vector
   public var elements = [Float](repeating: 0.0, count: 2)

   public init(_ x: Float,_ y: Float) {
      self.elements = [x,y]

public struct Vector: VectorProtocol {
   public typealias VectorType = Vector
   public static let dimension: Int = 2
   public var elements = [Float](repeating:Float(0.0), count: 2)

   public init(_ x: Float,_ y: Float) {
      self.elements = [x,y]

public protocol LineProtocol {
   associatedtype PointType: PointProtocol
   associatedtype VectorType: VectorProtocol
   var anchor: PointType { get set }
   var direction: VectorType { get set }

extension LineProtocol {
   public func foo() -> PointType {
      return (anchor + direction)

public struct Line: LineProtocol {
   public typealias PointType = Point
   public typealias VectorType = Vector
   public var anchor: PointType
   public var direction: VectorType

   public init(anchor: Point, direction: Vector) {
      self.anchor = anchor
      self.direction = direction

   public func bar() -> Point {
      return (anchor + direction)

let line = Line(anchor: Point(3, 4), direction: Vector(5, 1))

标签: swiftprotocolsdefault


事实证明,这只是导致问题的 VectorType,可以通过添加此约束来解决!

extension LineProtocol where Self.VectorType == Self.PointType.VectorType {
    // Constraint passes VectorType thru to the PointProtocol
    public func endOfLineSegment() -> PointType {
        return (anchor + direction)
