首页 > 解决方案 > Incorrect space in cleartool trigger name prevent me from removing it


I have created a ClearCase trigger on my VOB, which I have put space by mistake at the beginning of its name.
Now I can't remove it, or get its description since "space" is not allowed in the other command:

1) Here is how I can see it:

cleartool lstype -kind trtype -invob /vobs/xx/yy/
*--11-06T14:43  tttttt     trigger type " VER_CI_TRIGGER"*

2) while trying to remove it or get its description:

cleartool describe trtype:VER_CI_TRIGGER@vob:/vobs/xx/yy
*cleartool: Error: Trigger type not found: "VER_CI_TRIGGER".*

cleartool describe trtype:' VER_CI_TRIGGER'@vob:/vobs/xx/yy
cleartool: Error: Trigger type not found: " VER_CI_TRIGGER".

How can I get around that?

标签: triggersclearcase


尝试并使用第cleartool rmtype一个

cleartool rmtype trtype:" VER_CI_TRIGGER@vob:/vobs/xx"
cleartool rmtype "trtype: VER_CI_TRIGGER@vob:/vobs/xx"

或者,正如OP Ahmed Shaboon评论中指出的那样:

cleartool rmtype -rmall "trtype: VER_CI_TRIGGER"

这将从所有 vobs 中删除它。
