首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Google 数据洞察中嵌入报告过滤器?


这是我试图实现的一个场景:我在 Google Data Studio 中创建了一个报告并嵌入到我的网站中。我激活了“任何有链接的人都可以查看”选项,以便我的网站用户可以看到此报告。

但我需要根据他们的用户 ID 向我的网站用户显示不同的数据。基本上根据用户ID显示过滤数据。但我在这里面临的挑战是,这些用户没有谷歌帐户。因此,使用社区连接器并在配置函数中传递电子邮件 ID 对我不起作用。

我尝试了书签选项,您可以在其中嵌入链接并为不同的用户更改参数。它将在嵌入代码中正确显示。但是一旦用户在 Google Data Studio 中点击或打开,这个过滤器就会关闭。

有没有人针对这种情况实施了解决方法?直接从嵌入图形的 Web 应用程序中显示不同的数据。

根据用户 ID 显示不同的数据对于我们的用例来说非常重要,没有它,数据工作室的所有功能都无法使用。

标签: phpreportinggoogle-data-studio



第 1 步:我们需要将自定义数据源写入https://script.google.com/。首先,编辑 Application.json。在这里,我们必须更新清单 JSON 和 Code.gs 脚本。



  "dataStudio": {
    "name": "JSON Connect",
    "logoUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googledatastudio/community-connectors/master/JSON-connect/assets/logo.png",
    "company": "Lingewoud",
    "companyUrl": "https://lingewoud.nl/",
    "addonUrl": "https://github.com/googledatastudio/community-connectors/blob/master/JSON-connect/README.md",
    "supportUrl": "https://github.com/googledatastudio/community-connectors/issues/new?title=JSON%20Connect%20Connector%20Issue",
    "shortDescription": "Connect to JSON data by URL",
    "description": "Free JSON connector. Fetch data from any JSON data source by URL. Use caching to speed up rendering.",
    "sources": ["CUSTOM_JSON"],
    "authType": ["NONE"],
    "feeType": ["FREE"]


//  Copyright notice
//  (c) 2019 Gabriël Ramaker <gabriel@lingewoud.nl>, Lingewoud
//  All rights reserved
//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//  limitations under the License.
//  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

/* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */
/* eslint-disable prefer-spread */

 * Throws and logs script exceptions.
 * @param {String} message The exception message
function sendUserError(message) {
  var cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector();

 * function  `getAuthType()`
 * @returns {Object} `AuthType` used by the connector.
function getAuthType() {
  return {type: 'NONE'};

 * function  `isAdminUser()`
 * @returns {Boolean} Currently just returns false. Should return true if the current authenticated user at the time
 *                    of function execution is an admin user of the connector.
function isAdminUser() {
  return false;

 * Returns the user configurable options for the connector.
 * Required function for Community Connector.
 * @param   {Object} request  Config request parameters.
 * @returns {Object}          Connector configuration to be displayed to the user.
function getConfig(request) {
  var cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector();
  var config = cc.getConfig();

  var option1 = config

  var option2 = config

    .setText('Fill out the form to connect to a JSON data source.');

    .setName('Enter the URL of a JSON data source')
    .setHelpText('e.g. https://my-url.org/json')

    .setName('Cache response')
    .setHelpText('Usefull with big datasets. Response is cached for 10 minutes')

    .setName('Nested data')
    .setHelpText('How to import nested data, as text or inline.')


  return config.build();

 * Gets UrlFetch response and parses JSON
 * @param   {string} url  The URL to get the data from
 * @returns {Object}      The response object
function fetchJSON(url) {
  try {
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  } catch (e) {
    sendUserError('"' + url + '" returned an error:' + e);

  try {
    var content = JSON.parse(response);
  } catch (e) {
    sendUserError('Invalid JSON format. ' + e);

  return content;

 * Gets cached response. If the response has not been cached, make
 * the fetchJSON call, then cache and return the response.
 * @param   {string} url  The URL to get the data from
 * @returns {Object}      The response object
function getCachedData(url) {
  var cacheExpTime = 600;
  var cache = CacheService.getUserCache();
  var cacheKey = url.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '');
  var cacheKeyString = cache.get(cacheKey + '.keys');
  var cacheKeys = cacheKeyString !== null ? cacheKeyString.split(',') : [];
  var cacheData = {};
  var content = [];

  if (cacheKeyString !== null && cacheKeys.length > 0) {
    cacheData = cache.getAll(cacheKeys);

    for (var key in cacheKeys) {
      if (cacheData[cacheKeys[key]] != undefined) {
  } else {
    content = fetchJSON(url);

    for (var key in content) {
      cacheData[cacheKey + '.' + key] = JSON.stringify(content[key]);

    cache.put(cacheKey + '.keys', Object.keys(cacheData), cacheExpTime);

  return content;

 * Fetches data. Either by calling getCachedData or fetchJSON, depending on the cache configuration parameter.
 * @param   {String}  url   The URL to get the data from
 * @param   {Boolean} cache Parameter to determine whether the request should be cached
 * @returns {Object}        The response object
function fetchData(url, cache) {
  if (!url || !url.match(/^https?:\/\/.+$/g)) {
    sendUserError('"' + url + '" is not a valid url.');
  try {
    var content = cache ? getCachedData(url) : fetchJSON(url);
  } catch (e) {
      'Your request could not be cached. The rows of your dataset probably exceed the 100KB cache limit.'
  if (!content) sendUserError('"' + url + '" returned no content.');

  return content;

 * Matches the field value to a semantic
 * @param   {Mixed}   value   The field value
 * @param   {Object}  types   The list of types
 * @return  {string}          The semantic type
function getSemanticType(value, types) {
  if (!isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value)) {
    return types.NUMBER;
  } else if (value === true || value === false) {
    return types.BOOLEAN;
  } else if (typeof value != 'object' && value != null) {
    if (
        new RegExp(
    ) {
      return types.URL;
    } else if (!isNaN(Date.parse(value))) {
      return types.YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR;
  return types.TEXT;

 *  Creates the fields
 * @param   {Object}  fields  The list of fields
 * @param   {Object}  types   The list of types
 * @param   {String}  key     The key value of the current element
 * @param   {Mixed}   value   The value of the current element
function createField(fields, types, key, value) {
  var semanticType = getSemanticType(value, types);
  var field =
    semanticType == types.NUMBER ? fields.newMetric() : fields.newDimension();

  field.setId(key.replace(/\s/g, '_').toLowerCase());

 * Handles keys for recursive fields
 * @param   {String}  currentKey  The key value of the current element
 * @param   {Mixed}   key         The key value of the parent element
 * @returns {String}  if true
function getElementKey(key, currentKey) {
  if (currentKey == '' || currentKey == null) {
  if (key != null) {
    return key + '.' + currentKey.replace('.', '_');
  return currentKey.replace('.', '_');

 * Extracts the objects recursive fields and adds it to fields
 * @param   {Object}  fields  The list of fields
 * @param   {Object}  types   The list of types
 * @param   {String}  key     The key value of the current element
 * @param   {Mixed}   value   The value of the current element
 * @param   {boolean} isInline if true
function createFields(fields, types, key, value, isInline) {
  if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) && value !== null) {
    Object.keys(value).forEach(function(currentKey) {
      var elementKey = getElementKey(key, currentKey);

      if (isInline && value[currentKey] != null) {
        createFields(fields, types, elementKey, value[currentKey], isInline);
      } else {
        createField(fields, types, currentKey, value);
  } else if (key !== null) {
    createField(fields, types, key, value);

 * Parses first line of content to determine the data schema
 * @param   {Object}  request getSchema/getData request parameter.
 * @param   {Object}  content The content object
 * @return  {Object}           An object with the connector configuration
function getFields(request, content) {
  var cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector();
  var fields = cc.getFields();
  var types = cc.FieldType;
  var aggregations = cc.AggregationType;
  var isInline = request.configParams.nestedData === 'inline';

  if (!Array.isArray(content)) content = [content];

  if (typeof content[0] !== 'object' || content[0] === null) {
    sendUserError('Invalid JSON format');
  try {
    createFields(fields, types, null, content[0], isInline);
  } catch (e) {
    sendUserError('Unable to identify the data format of one of your fields.');
  return fields;

 * Returns the schema for the given request.
 * @param   {Object} request Schema request parameters.
 * @returns {Object} Schema for the given request.
function getSchema(request) {
  var content = fetchData(request.configParams.url, request.configParams.cache);
  var fields = getFields(request, content).build();
  return {schema: fields};

 * Performs a deep merge of objects and returns new object. Does not modify
 * objects (immutable) and merges arrays via concatenation.
 * Thanks to jhildenbiddle https://stackoverflow.com/users/4903063/jhildenbiddle
 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27936772/how-to-deep-merge-instead-of-shallow-merge
 * @param            Objects to merge
 * @returns {object} New object with merged key/values
function mergeDeep() {
  var objects = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

  return objects.reduce(function(prev, obj) {
    Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
      var pVal = prev[key];
      var oVal = obj[key];

      if (Array.isArray(pVal) && Array.isArray(oVal)) {
        prev[key] = pVal.concat.apply(pVal, toConsumableArray(oVal));
      } else if (pVal === Object(pVal) && oVal === Object(oVal)) {
        prev[key] = mergeDeep(pVal, oVal);
      } else {
        prev[key] = oVal;
    return prev;
  }, {});

 *  Converts date strings to YYYYMMDDHH:mm:ss
 * @param   {String} val  Date string
 * @returns {String}      Converted date string
function convertDate(val) {
  var date = new Date(val);
  return (
    date.getUTCFullYear() +
    ('0' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) +
    ('0' + date.getUTCDate()).slice(-2) +
    ('0' + date.getUTCHours()).slice(-2)

 * Validates the row values. Only numbers, boolean, date and strings are allowed
 * @param   {Field} field The field declaration
 * @param   {Mixed} val   The value to validate
 * @returns {Mixed}       Either a string or number
function validateValue(field, val) {
  if (field.getType() == 'YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR') {
    val = convertDate(val);

  switch (typeof val) {
    case 'string':
    case 'number':
    case 'boolean':
      return val;
    case 'object':
      return JSON.stringify(val);
  return '';

 * Returns the (nested) values for requested columns
 * @param   {Object} valuePaths       Field name. If nested; field name and parent field name
 * @param   {Object} row              Current content row
 * @returns {Mixed}                   The field values for the columns
function getColumnValue(valuePaths, row) {
  for (var index in valuePaths) {
    var currentPath = valuePaths[index];

    if (row[currentPath] === null) {
      return '';

    if (row[currentPath] !== undefined) {
      row = row[currentPath];
    var keys = Object.keys(row);

    for (var index_keys in keys) {
      var key = keys[index_keys].replace(/\s/g, '_').toLowerCase();
      if (key == currentPath) {
        row = row[keys[index_keys]];
  return row;

 * Returns an object containing only the requested columns
 * @param   {Object} content          The content object
 * @param   {Object} requestedFields  Fields requested in the getData request.
 * @returns {Object}                  An object only containing the requested columns.
function getColumns(content, requestedFields) {
  if (!Array.isArray(content)) content = [content];

  return content.map(function(row) {
    var rowValues = [];

    requestedFields.asArray().forEach(function(field) {
      var valuePaths = field.getId().split('.');
      var fieldValue = row === null ? '' : getColumnValue(valuePaths, row);

      rowValues.push(validateValue(field, fieldValue));
    return {values: rowValues};

 * Returns the tabular data for the given request.
 * @param   {Object} request  Data request parameters.
 * @returns {Object}          Contains the schema and data for the given request.
function getData(request) {
  var content = fetchData(request.configParams.url, request.configParams.cache);
  var fields = getFields(request, content);
  var requestedFieldIds = request.fields.map(function(field) {
    return field.name;
  var requestedFields = fields.forIds(requestedFieldIds);

  return {
    schema: requestedFields.build(),
    rows: getColumns(content, requestedFields)

第 2 步:部署您的代码。部署后,您将获得“部署 ID”和数据源的直接 URL。

第 3 步:需要提供您的源 JSON URL 并允许参数被 URL 覆盖。根据部门明智地允许我们对数据的需求的参数并连接到数据源。


