首页 > 解决方案 > VBA - 尝试从组合框中删除项目时出现错误 381



  1. 我已成功将项目从 Excel 导入到组合框(>19 次出现)
  2. 现在我在组合中有重复项。我想通过 Excel 表进行迭代,与 Combobox 进行比较并删除不必要的项目(单个项目除外)
  3. 我有

错误 381 - 无法获取 Column 属性数组索引。

Dim N As Long, K As Long, counter As Long
With Sheets("Główne")
    N = .Cells(Rows.Count, 12).End(xlUp).Row
End With

Dim ostatnia As Long

ostatnia = Cells(Rows.Count, 11).End(xlUp).Row

For i = 1 To ostatnia
    Range("I" & i + 1).Formula = "=COUNTIFS(L:L,L" & i + 1 & ")"

For K = 1 To N
    If Cells(K + 1, 9).Value > 19 Then
        ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets("Główne").Cells(K + 1, 12).Value
    End If
Next K

Range("I2:I" & ostatnia).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
    :=False, Transpose:=False

'############### problem is somewhere below ##############'
For S = 2 To N
    counter = 1
    For iteracjalista = 0 To ComboBox1.ListCount - 1

        If ComboBox1.Column(0, iteracjalista) = Sheets("Główne").Cells(S + 1, 12).Value Then

             If Sheets("Główne").Cells(S + 1, 9).Value > counter Then
                ComboBox1.RemoveItem 1
                counter = counter + 1
             End If

        End If

    Next iteracjalista
Next S


标签: excelvbaformscombobox



For K = 1 To N
    If Cells(K + 1, 9).Value > 19 Then
        ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets("Główne").Cells(K + 1, 12).Value
    End If
Next K

使用此代码 - 它在填充 ComboBox 之前消除了重复项

   Dim xList As String, xVal As String

   ' The following populates the ComboBox with Unique Values - No Duplicates
     xList = ""
     ' We are using the colon character ":" as a separator
     ' You may wish to use something else
     For K = 1 To N
        xVal = Cells(K + 1, 9).Value
        If xVal > 19 Then
           If InStr(1, xList, ":" & xVal, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
              xList = xList & ":" & xVal
           End If
        End If
     Next K
     xList = Mid(xList, 2)  ' Remove the leading : character
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Glówne").ComboBox1.List = Split(xList, ":")
   ' Done


'############### problem is somewhere below ##############'
For S = 2 To N
    counter = 1
    For iteracjalista = 0 To ComboBox1.ListCount - 1

        If ComboBox1.Column(0, iteracjalista) = Sheets("Główne").Cells(S + 1, 12).Value Then

             If Sheets("Główne").Cells(S + 1, 9).Value > counter Then
                ComboBox1.RemoveItem 1
                counter = counter + 1
             End If

        End If

    Next iteracjalista
Next S
