首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 udpipe 和 R 时如何解释专长的值


在 R udpipe 包中,如果我们编写如下代码:

x <- udpipe("The economy is weak but the outlook is bright. the property market will be booming next year", "english")


  doc_id paragraph_id sentence_id                                      sentence start end term_id token_id   token   lemma  upos
1   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright     1   3       1        1     The     the   DET
2   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright     5  11       2        2 economy economy  NOUN
3   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    13  14       3        3      is      be   AUX
4   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    16  19       4        4    weak    weak   ADJ
5   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    21  23       5        5     but     but CCONJ
6   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    25  27       6        6     the     the   DET
7   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    29  35       7        7 outlook outlook  NOUN
8   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    37  38       8        8      is      be   AUX
9   doc1            1           1 The economy is weak but the outlook is bright    40  45       9        9  bright  bright   ADJ
  xpos                                                 feats head_token_id dep_rel deps            misc
1   DT                             Definite=Def|PronType=Art             2     det <NA>            <NA>
2   NN                                           Number=Sing             4   nsubj <NA>            <NA>
3  VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin             4     cop <NA>            <NA>
4   JJ                                            Degree=Pos             0    root <NA>            <NA>
5   CC                                                  <NA>             9      cc <NA>            <NA>
6   DT                             Definite=Def|PronType=Art             7     det <NA>            <NA>
7   NN                                           Number=Sing             9   nsubj <NA>            <NA>
8  VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin             9     cop <NA>            <NA>
9   JJ                                            Degree=Pos             4    conj <NA> SpacesAfter=\\n


标签: rnlptokensentence



Universal Dependencies注解的这一部分根本不是通用的。您引用的页面包含可以出现在 UD 中的所有语言中的所有形态特征。它们中的大多数不适用于大多数语言,某些现象可能会在不同的树库中以不同的名称多次出现。为了使情况更加棘手,一些经过 UDPipe 训练的树库根本不包含形态特征。那么UDPipe当然只包含它可以从树库中学到的东西。

UD 包含六个不同的英语树库,因此 UDPipe 中也有六个不同的模型。UD 网页上有一个概述,解释了树库的不同之处,还解释了用于英语的形态特征。英语的默认值为UD_English-EWT.
